WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2018

Hallo all!

  • OG    Sorry you are having such a tough time. Must be very hard for all of you.

  • BONNIE    That is certainly a very determined look you have. Benson looks the same with balls as he is determined not to give them up.

  • Pat - you will grow to love the Kindle. I read constantly and for years had bookcases full of books, now they are all on my Kindle.

    OG-maybe a TV for the bedroom? Sorry you're having such a bad time!

  • Safe journey, ANNETTE!

    And you also, LINDY.

    Son, eldest daughter and her husband have gone out to a Scotch Malt Whisky Society tasting and supper this evening. Despite my son having a whisky shop he doesn't drink much on a regular basis and he is feeling a bit ' whiskied out'.

    Granddaughter Katie is in my kitchen making something called Rocky Road..... It seems to involve chocolate, syrup, butter and digestive biscuits. I'm staying well away, she seems to know what she is doing!

  • Lindy-Love Bonnie's Journal and the pictures. Dogs have such expressive faces. Have a good trip for Matthew's birthday party.

  • I agree about the Kindle, bjane. I must have about 200 books on mine. Yes, holding a real book is nice, but I have got well used to reading in this different way. Nowadays I only buy non fiction books to keep in a bookcase.

  • Thank you, bjane.   It's always a treat to see my family.

    I love my Kindle, too.  I've got the entire works of Dickens on there, with a vow to re-read them all. I used to love curling up with one of his stories. But in spite of having my Kindle for some years, I've still not got around to it! I was reading on our last holiday but haven't finished the book I was halfway through, yet, which was about our strange perceptions of time. (Not a novel, obviously).

    Hope your family enjoy their evening, Heather. We are putting our feet up now before our busy day tomorrow. I made some small cakes and put sugary "eyes" on them with chocolate smiles, for Halloween!

  • Heather-I agree with all you have written. I have about 350 Kindle books and still growing. I also subscribe to the Amazon "First Reads", and have an Echo that I can listen to all my Audible books ( I have at least 300 of those), 

  • Annette: I loved your photos!!! They are so beautiful. I don't think I could hike that challenging trail, especially considering the high elevation. I would so love to visit the Grand Canyon, though. Such a glorious area. My favorite pic was the big condor! Yay!

    Hope you have a safe journey to Oregon and back. Have fun. 

    Lindy: Lovely photos of Bonnie! Hope you enjoy the grandson birthday!

    Hi to all. Sending healing to OG. 

  • OG – Hope you are on the mend. {{{HUGS}}}

    Annette – Wonderful pics. Thank you. I like the one with the girl & sheep “Homeward bound” and the eagle. And the Petrified Forest. You have some amazing shots of Grand Canyon.

    PatO – Townsville, Great Barrier Reef, etc too tropical for me. I have only been to southern Queensland. Sydney is about 850 miles from Adelaide (compare London to Vienna). I haven’t been there for 20 years. Re Sydney Harbour Bridge climb. I believe you need reasonable level of fitness. There is an age limit or a GP certificate needed. Check website. Before my trips I browsed travel guides (from library) and Google for what-to-see. Then I sorted into A (must see), B (maybe) and C (if others closed for renovations etc). Sometimes I would skip the organised tour and just wander with my list. Great you can meet your online friend and maybe see quite different non-touristy things.

    Saturday already? Where has the time gone? Nanny duty was relatively easy (compared to some days). MissL off to nap happily. I had an array of veg to chop for large tub of minestrone soup. MissJ supervised, told me I didn’t chop the onions the right way. First I cut in half. Then sometimes I slice from the base, other times from the sides, before turning to produce cubes. I get bored with the same way! Dau returned from school pickup to put all together, leaving me to bring to boil, simmer, etc while she did the Guides drop-off. Miss7 was enthusiastic about Guides camp & its activities. She was in a dorm with 5-8 year olds and complained that the big girls chattered and kept her awake. Big? 8 year olds? LOL (9 yr plus kids camped in tents.) Kindy was enjoyed by twins, though MissL followed MissJ wherever. They produced an enormous amount of painting, glueing, etc which I duly admired.

    I’ve nearly won the battle with weeds, partly because they are dying off due to lack of rain. I planted some beetroot this morn, flagged with rags lest OH weed them should any green appear. Tomatoes need staking.