Hallo all:  Lots of cruise info on the last two pages of last week's chat.....Hope the new week is kind to all...

  • Just saw a tv item with the Royal couple in Australia - The thing which gripped me most was staring at Meghan's feet as she walked on the beach, as in previous pictures she was wearing five inch stilletos, however she seemed to have sensibly changed into flat shoes!!

  • Stilettos on a beach?  Sack her wardrobe adviser.  Thank goodness for common sense - and flat shoes!!!!

  • The one which amazed me was taking a 3-4 month pregnant woman to a sheep farm!  Contact with Ewes could cause spontaneous abortion  - but I have to admit I don't know the timing of the lambing season down under!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I find it much easier to get any grumpy rant over with first and then do replies and my updates!  Supposed to be a fine day after a frosty start – looks reasonable so far.

    AQ – pleased it was reasonable Nanny Day, apart from Miss L’s tantrum.  I assume she gets overtired trying not to miss things which her sister will be enjoying.

    Annette – J did enjoy his day out and did arrive home on the expected train.

    I slept well last night but am in agony with back pain today – extremely difficult to stand up or move.  Trying to move the muscles while sitting to try to be able to stand in the shower later!  OH is out for mostly veg and milk.  J has to begin preparation today for an investigative procedure at Dumfries tomorrow – only a vague connection with his “absences”, in that it was requested by his Christie consultant some months back to check lack of an after-effect of his treatments 30 years ago!  He tried yesterday to arrange his follow-up with the young GP about the absence episodes on the suggested date and was told the doc will be away that week!  Hasn’t had time to chase the Ophthalmology secretary about delay over his eye op!  I wonder why he is fed up? !!!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG- what a pity to have such pain after a good night's sleep. I hope that it is a little better now? I'm not surprised that J is fed up. Everything seems to be against him just now.

    AQ- a quiet Nanny day can only be a good thing! I think that is a very good idea to put lots of veggies in sauces for children (even for oldies!). I don't always follow my own advice, though...

    I've been back home from Elgin for about 40 minutes. It was so good to spend time with two daughters and four granddaughters. We had lunch in Toscana and then went to TK Maxx before anything else! The teenagers bought a few things at good prices. We visited the Walkers Shortbread shop and bought bags of the rejects (wrong shape etc). Then just a stroll around before going back to youngest's home. Train at 5pm.

  • OG - Sorry you've got back pain. I hope it's eased off as the day's gone on. Poor J! - as Heather says, not surprised that he's unhappy with the way things seem to be going lately.

    Heather, Sounds like a super day out, "girls on the loose!". You'll be tired now but what a lovely time to have with your family.

    I've been dashing around, though I managed half an hours rest after lunch.  Went to visit my Friend G, who is now losing her hair, sadly. She was happy to chat, and liked a small gift I had brought from Wales. Her daughter and son in law are coming tomorrow for a long weekend, so she's looking forward to seeing them.

  • Hello Everyone,

    Nice to read all news. Sorry things are not so good for you and J, OG.

    Lovely to spend time with all the "girls". Heather.

    I gather that Lindy is rushing about, as usual.

    There is some building work going on near here. Some old shops have been demolished and a new supermarket is being built, (with a school on top!)

    The contractors were drilling for the piles (I think that is what they are called), when oops! they managed to deposit a large amount of concrete into a sewer pipe.

    Result:  two tankers pumping out sewage 24/7, and this is a very busy road, so traffic chaos. The area is not very fragrant, either!

    This has already lasted two weeks, and will continue until the sewer pipe can be replaced, as the concrete cannot be removed.

    Thames Water are not amused!

  • Hello Alicat, sorry to hear about your dad. Keep strong and will be thinking about you. It will be much easier for your mum if she will accept that your dad needs to go into care. We had to put mum in care and my brother felt he could not look after her any more and I lived too far away to pop in and help. It was the kindest thing to do in the long run. Hope things work out for you, stay strong.

  • Annette - love those sculptures.

    OG - how disappointing for you but glad things turned out for you and you got a hot chocolate etc at a garden centre.

    Lindybird - looks as though you had one problem after another yesterday but manage to get to Macclesfield on time.

    AQ - glad nanny duty was not too bad for you.

    We had a bit of a scare yesterday. OH wanted me to call the emergency services Wed morn at 5am as he had one hell of a headache and didd't feel right - was panicking in case it was a brain heomorage, I was pretty sure it wasn't but woke dau. who rang for me. After talking to a clinical practitioner , were advised to get in at the docs as an emergency.  

    They fitted us in, turns out it is Shingles and also referred us to the eye casualty at our local hospital to get his left eye checked over. Given medication to help shingles and eye treatment but on the bright side have been given the all clear to go away tomorrow. So although he is still feeling low we are off tomorrow and hopefully he will pick up whilst we are away. He'd seen a doctor the previous Monday who just looked at his eye, said it was inflamed and gave him some medication which didn't do much. Doctor we saw on Wed saw instantly it was Shingles - down the left of his face, affecting eye, and what looked like scabs on his forehead and in his hair. What a to do.

  • Lynette, what a scare you've had.  At least you managed to get a diagnosis, and some medication. I do hope it doesn't worsen and you can both enjoy your cruise. Bon voyage!!