Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 October 2018


I hope everyone has a peaceful, happy week.

Immature Bald Eagle
Everglades National Park, Florida
NPS Photo/Rodney Cammauf
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • ANNETTE   He has a bandage on his foot with a waterproof boot for outside. No walks at all and back to the vet on Thursday.  He seems fine in himself.

  • Good Morning.  Sunny start here again. Just waved our Eldest off, he arrived at 9.30 last night then went to bed after an hour, he'd had a long day. Bonnie turned herself inside out when she saw him!

    My OH rang last night to say that he'd had a good golfing day, he came second and won the enormous prize of ten pounds! They were just off to a local pub for a meal and a drink or two. I went to see Friend, who has lost some of her hair but is cheerful. She's hoping to have more chemo this Friday, having missed last week's session due to being poorly. 

    Today, I must get dressed earlier so that I can take Bonnie out for her walk and then I still have ironing to do. 

  • LINDY    Love the thought of Bonnie turning herself inside out!!!   Got home from a swim and coffee to find that Benson had got out of his lampshade. Glad I didn't put it on!!!

  • Meant to say that "Easy Jet" also charge a fee is you don't check in on line!

  • Hello all-

    It's sunny here today but rained during night. I went out with my trusty hoe but the ground is still too wet. Moss is showing on the paths but I need a dry spell with no frost expected before I can tackle that.

    OG- I'm thinking that J has a day off today. I do hope that he is feeling more settled. Also hoping that you had a better night.

    ANNETTE- sounds like a lovely day -

    PAT/LINDY- I've also been amazed at the quantities of food that some folk put away on holiday. Perhaps they eat like that all the time, though?! Regarding breakfast- the hotel we have stayed at in Madeira used to have an enormous platter of smoked salmon. You'd be amazed at the people who sneaked it into napkins at the table, to be consumed later!

  • DIBNLIB- sorry about Benson's foot. Poor lad x

  • dibnlib said:

    LINDY    Love the thought of Bonnie turning herself inside out!!!   Got home from a swim and coffee to find that Benson had got out of his lampshade. Glad I didn't put it on!!!

    They do find ways to rid themselves of their much hated headwear, don't they!?  Hope he's healing up nicely, even though of course you can't tell, yet.

  • LINDY We had noticed that the collar the vet nurse gave us was larger than the last one we still have, luckily the bandage was still intact. Vet nurse thinks it will be ok to come off when we go back tomorrow.

  • OG,   I hope all well today. My OH has similar episodes such as those you describe about J.  Scary at the time. In his case, it is thought to  be a form of migraine.

    I hope J can get a satisfactory explanation as to the cause of his symptoms.

  • Will catch up later, just giving the good news.  Great Grandson has arrived safely - large baby and name is Cyrus!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!