Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 October 2018

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  • Mission accomplished - next blood test will be due 31st December, so Ashley and I wished each other a Happy Christmas!  I couldn't get the Shingles Vaccine - I hadn't realised it is a live vaccine, so I am not allowed it with my supressed immunity.  OH had his, so I guess that will protect me too if he doesn't get it to pass on - only thing is, I mustn't get too close if the vaccine induces a mild episode!

    LINDA - I do hope the baby next door is okay!  We are enjoying the return of our usual Geese (mostly Barnies but some Pinkies) this year.

    HEATHER - pleased you enjoyed seeing your Brother - hope it won't be so long until the next time.

    ANNETTE - so glad you managed to see the launch - which actually happened, after so many recent failures and delays!  Have a wonderful time with the visitors coming "home"!

    One disadvantage of slow-cooked lamb - the wonderful aroma from the kitchen makes me feel hungry well-before dinner time!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Agree wholeheartedly about the aroma of lamb.....

    Pat:  We too, were shocked at how much some people could pile upon their plates at breakfast and during the lunch buffet. Some of them even tried to fit fruit, salad and meaty main course on one plate!! - Just too lazy, I guess, to get up and go back for the next course. And far too greedy.

    At breakfast I usually have porridge or cereal at home, but don't like the taste of the milk on offer on the ships, so I have yogurt & fruit, followed by cake and croissants!! (no calories in them when you're on holiday!)

    Annette:  That all sounded soo exciting. I am green with envy. And with accompanying sound effects, too!  Wonderful!

  • ps - Next door's baby is about 15 months now, and looks cute as a button as she is whisked along in her pram by Mum, who walks faster than I could run, and has a phone attached to her ear at all times!!

    Saw sis in law who had an enjoyable holiday in a super hotel, where she and her (female) friend walked miles every day, to counteract the calories they'd eaten!!  She was agog to hear our tales of what she had missed when Awful Cousin was visiting.

    Heard from my Friend G this evening, as she had finally made it home from hospital after being given transfusions to stabilise her weak condition. She is still full of fight.

  • Good Morning.  I hope Annette's family arrived safely.

    A little cloudy here, but a bright day promised. I'm just waving off my OH who is going away for one night on a golfing jaunt with his friends, to Lancaster. I think he's more worried about Bonnie than me!

  • Have just seen a short clip of the launch which Annette mentioned seeing, Wow!!

  • Good morning - sunshine and wind today.

    Had a scare last evening - J had another episode similar to the one which took him to A&E in August - this time he couldn't speak at all for a while (last time he was just unable to find words to use) and didn't know how to connect with his limbs.  Previous hospital Doc said go to GP if it happens again.  Triage nurse this morning has given him an appt for Friday morning!  He feels too fragile today to cope with kids - or at least the kids he works with!  He is helping OH around the house, rather than sit around moping.

    We shan't be going out to the lecture this evening - quite pleased in a way as I had a bad night and don't feel 100% myself.

    LINDA - did you find the cause of ambulance next door?  I hope all is well.  Will you be up early tomorrow for Bonnie's early walk?  Have fun!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry to hear about J, OG. Must be very worrying. I hope the doc can find some answers.

    You must rest if you're not sleeping well.

    We didn't find out about the incident next door -- if we knew them well, one of us would have gone round, but we don't want to invade their privacy.  We did notice that a lot of family members soon rolled up: her parents don't seem to live too far away, and her sister has been very supportive throughout the pregnancy and birth, so they seem to be close.

    More laundry in the wash as it's a good day, so I'm off to do errands!

  • Agree, OG - hope that J gets some answers soon.

    Sorry not doing much on here. Family problems have surfaced again - thankfully not my children but I worry for my brother and his wife who have long term problems with their eldest son and also for my relative down south who took her brother in when he lost all his money. In both cases the problems are financial, accommodation and health - mental and physical. All I can do is listen and support.

  • OG  So very sorry to hear about J.

  • I must not get too involved with problems that are not really mine :-)

    LINDY - It seems as if the good outweighed the bad on your cruise but I agree that your travel agents were inefficient. Ryanair do insist on checking in online but if your agent did the booking you probably didn't see all the paperwork. I have only flown with them twice. First time I didn't weigh our luggage at home and my guesstimate resulted in a hefty excess luggage charge. So, my error. Second time, flying from Edinburgh to Denmark, we had to wait on a flight of stairs for 30 minutes before getting on the bus to where the plane was waiting - no airbridge. I look at a website 'Skytrax' which is a good forum for reviews of airlines and airports.

    ANNETTE- what an experience you had! The description made me want to do the same as LINDY. Enjoy having your family with you in Santa Barbara.

    I'm going to post this now and maybe come back later. I've had a long phone conversation while writing this and have lost my train of thought!

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