Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 September 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week -- the last week before the Autumn Equinox. 

Instead of a picture, here are two short videos:

I love THIS OWL. Unfortunately, I can make that same face when I'm angry about something important. Seriously. LOL! (Video is 10 seconds.)

Annette needs ONE OF THESE to help her harvest oranges from her tree. LOL! (Video is 1 minute 38 seconds.)

Take care, all. 

  • AQ- Nanny day again? The weeks do go by very quickly. I fear for the future of independent bookshops. Is there a favourite place that your OH goes for his lunch?

    Heavy rain here last night and on and off today also.

    LINDY/AQ- I have used lipstick since I was a teenager but the colour I wear these days is much more subtle! I don't feel dressed without the lippy....

  • Morning all:   Had a wonderful day at the California Science Center, made even better by a very easy drive there and back through Malibu, which had niece goggling at the sparkling ocean and the fancy driveway/security gates of celebrity homes (well hidden from the view of peons like us!).  I told her the gates probably cost more than our entire house   Far more interesting was the Tutankhamen exhibit, which was beautifully staged and full of wonderful artifacts from his tomb, many of which have never been seen outside Egypt.  More photos to post!  The Space Shuttle Endeavour was as impressive as ever and the giant orange fuel tank that carry the shuttles into space was parked at the rear of the museum, not on display but impossible to miss. People really seem to like that the Shuttle hasn't been spiffed up, but shows the scars of its multiple re-entries through the atmosphere. It will form part of the final exhibit (still years away) that will feature the Shuttle, the fuel tank, and the two attached rockets in  launch position on a launch pad and associated infrastructure still in the early stages of construction.  No word on when it will be complete.

    Am reading but no time to respond individually.  Stay well all.

  • Sounds wonderful, Annette.  

    Heather -- I wore lipstick until I was early 30s, then found that I was becoming allergic to it. I did wear it once after that, to a family wedding, but I paid for it by taking a week for my swollen lips to go down!  Then a few years ago, I had another go and found that I can wear Clinique, which is very pure. AQ - I agree, no scarlet or pouty pink for me!

    Today, I was only partially successful. After driving for over half an hour (including roadworks) I got to the shop and chose a shade of lipstick, only to be told that it was out of stock. So was the 2nd one I chose!!  Third time lucky, I bought one but really did prefer the first one! Then I got some grub in M&S, and two pairs of trousers in the sale. One of the pairs is too long, so will need to be altered <sigh>

  • Hi all. Thanks for your news so far this week.  

    WendyB - wow 4 litres already of sloe gin , must come round, just having a g&orange at present.

    OG - glad to hear that J's legs are better and that you have been resting so you can visit dentist.

    We haven't put any heating on yet down here although it did kick in a week or two back as the temperature fell below what I'd set it on but quickly went off.

    Lindybird - hope you get sorted out soon for your cruise.   We went to pick up our tickets today and have been online tonight checking whether we need visas or vacs but as far as I can see , we don't. We booked our excursions some time back and paid then and there and they are all showing on the itinery. Just got to check when on board nearer the time about luggage and hand luggage re returning to the UK as we have booked a tour of Barbados with lunch included and then they take us to the airport. Not sure whether we have to lug our hand luggage round with us, most probably though.

    AQ - that was nice of the owner to call you a young woman - hope you enjoyed your chish and fips.

  • Lindy - pleased to see that trips are sorted. As to clothes, I've bought a whole new wardrobe but only one cocktail dress of sorts as I'm not likely to wear them much. Do hope that the dresses I have bought will be passable. Its the first time on a cruise and one feels a little amprehensive, still, onwards and upwards and ready to enjoy it.

  • AQ - hope you're successful in purchasing 100piece jigsaw and that you find the lipstick you want.

    Annette - please you enjoyed your trip to the California Science Center. I would love to visit certain museums over here but OH isn't really interested in those sore of things.

    Lovely to hear what's been happening to you all. Take care all.

  • Good Morning.  Dry and sunny here.  

    Lynette, I hope you enjoy your cruise. As to clothes, I think you'll find it's very mixed as to how much people "dress up" in the evening, and of course it's just relaxed and informal during the day.  It's much more informal than things were years ago, I'm told. I wear a lot of evening type loose trousers, mixed with different floaty tops for the formal dinners and feel just as glamorous as the younger ladies in frocks.

    We still don't have our tickets, and we go on Sunday!!  -- We are so annoyed, if it's not sorted out today we will be down at the Travel agents (Travelbag) today.....

  • ps -- Hope that all went well with Nanny day, AQ!

  • LYNETTE/LINDY - I'm enjoying reading about your preparations for the cruises. My old lady next door (Sheana) cruised to Rio when she was 90, she took two of her cousins with her and she enjoyed it so very much. She and I had a lot of fun looking out her 'cruise wear'. Believe me when I say that she had suitcases full of clothes in her house so the choosing took quite some time!

  • Hi Heather -- I'm sorry to keep banging on about it, hope I'm not boring everyone.

    Fancy going when 90!!