Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 September 2018


Instead of an inserted picture, I'm offering A LINK this week. It's a photo that won an Audubon Society Photography Award, which shows an American Osprey and an Eastern Kingbird. I'm sure the Osprey was fine, but the photo displays the fierce nature of our Kingbirds. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Safe travels to all those on the roads. 

  • Bon voyage, PAT!

    My Danish friends are coming here in late October. I have decided to travel back with them and spend a few days in Denmark.

    Thinking about you ANNETTE as you make your way home:-)

    How many pairs of shoes, LINDY?!

  • Good Evening everyone!  Goodness a lot of preperations going on for trips.

    Pat - your cruise sounds very interesting. I hope you have a great time. Always wanted to do to Scandinavia.  Been to Swedenbut was quite young and can't remember much of it. Just remember my mum saying it was extremely expensive.

    Lindybird - you don't have long to go now. Should still be warm in the Med. who is looking after Bonnie?

    Diane - thanks for the pic and for the hilarious story about the kingbird. Certainly seems a ferocious little thing.  Hopefully he now knows who is boss but I doubt it really.

    OG - it's a good feeling having a clear out and moving things about. Well done on making your own cards. So much more thoughtful than bought ones.

    Heather - it will keep you busy during the winter thinking about your garden. Sorry to hear about your friend - children, no matter the age, can be so thoughtless and selfish.

    Annette - how inconsiderate of them to close the Tramway. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    My summerhouse is coming tomorrow. Have been busy buying bits and pieces. Getting so excited!

    My daughter writes blogs and has been sent a ticket for the press preview for the new V&A in Dundee.  Sometimes she gets to take someone but not this time I'll just have to wait till it opens.

  • It'll be nice to go to Denmark for a while, Heather.  Not decided on the shoes, yet!  Took only three pairs to our sons recently, and only wore two pairs of them! But the extra pair were for if it was wet, and we had no rain at all!

    On the subject of shoes, I heard recently about a friend who has decided to downsize and simplify everything in her life. She put all of her shoes together and discovered that she had 75 pairs.......    

    Now I don't feel so bad about mine, as although I've never counted them, there certainly aren't that many!

    Edit -- She downsized to only a mere 35 pairs.....

  • Gillian, you came on whilst I was writing.  Bonnie is going to my sister in laws. They have a dog of their own so she will enjoy having someone to play with. How exciting about the summerhouse, I would be planning what to put in it, too. I loved all of the ones I saw at the recent Flower Show and wish I had room for one.

  • Well I've sort of succeeded in posting a pic.

    Lindybird - Bonnie will have a great time with the other dog for company.  75 pair of shoes?? That's a bit excessive.

  • Lindy - I have laughed in the past at the number of pairs of shoes you take on a cruise, thinking I would only take a couple of pairs.  Not any more!  I have just realised I have packed five pairs and will wear a sixth.  One has to allow for 'smart', 'casual', 'walking' etc.  I'm learning fast!  For my next cruise (already booked) I think it will be even more ...

  • Pat - Have a great trip.

    My fruit/veg shop gives discounts to seniors any day, my supermarket gives a pension discount on Wednesdays. This morn I completed my fruit/veg shop. “Seniors discount please.” “Oh”, says newish girl, “I didn’t think you were old enough” “I’m 74.” “Oh, I thought you were in your fifties.” Feeling young & spritely, I continue into supermarket, fill trolley, on to checkout, “Pension discount please.” “I’ve already put it through.” That sorted me LOLOL.

    MissL is sick and Dau has let me off nanny duty lest I get a relapse. If she finds she can’t cope this arvo, I offered to come but it does take me about 45 mins to drive there. Meanwhile OH has not yet decided whether he is out for lunch. Since it is almost 11 am, I think he is staying home <sigh>

  • Gillian:  Cutie alert!!  :-)  How old is he?