Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 September 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week. There were lots of posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
U.S. National Park Service photo/S. Zenner
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thanks for sharing your breakfasts!  We do have variations on many of them - I think it must be me - I feel that we don't get enough variety - but maybe it's really all the breakfast-time pills which make it seem the same every day!

    Lots going on all day in the garden - first planting of potatoes all dug up - now laid out to dry in the garage (no window, so no light to turn them green).  OH has been tidying the edge of the drive under the repaired wall - narrow trough of gravel was dirty from the roof job, so he's had it all out, put new membrane under it to suppress weeds and put it back clean and neat.

    J has gone to his Friday Folk session - always a Friday, but doesn't seem to be a pattern to which weeks in the month.  So we might get to sit together in front of the television now OH has come indoors.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I will just add my contribution to the breakfast question, OG.

    I think most of are quite boring at breakfast time. We generally have some sort of cereal and toast. My OH likes egg, but doesn't often have one. Like you, he takes a lot of pills at breakfast time. I like low sugar granola with yogurt, but he cannot tolerate anything too dry, so he  usually has weetabix or muesli with a lot of milk (which I don't like).

    I love continental breakfasts in hotels, with a variety of different bread and cheese.

    At home, we generally have Cheddar. I also like German rye bread. We often have blueberries or grapes.

    Annette,   your trip sounds wonderful. Lucky niece.

    AQ,   Glad you are getting better. Enjoy your trip.

    There was an article  on the BBC website today about spiders in the house. It said something about not leaving things lying around for spiders to hide under. It didn't mention the overflow pipes, which I think is more important. Apparently, they will be gone by the first week of October. I think they are males looking for mates. Not in my bathroom, please!

    Regards to all.

  • Good morning - dry start but 30% rain in the forecast.  J was late last evening - I was just falling asleep - not that it was really late - just later than usual and past my bedtime!  He is still sleeping, OH got up at his usual time and I was first out of bed this morning, after some quality sleep.

    ROSY - breakfast is interesting on Saturdays as we all eat together and OH cooks - today is very traditional egg (poached), bacon and tomato, but it varies weekly - sometimes egg and sausage, egg and haggis, bacon croissant etc.  One thing you mentioned is cheese, and since I love cheese of most kinds, I think I may have that more often on weekdays.  We have blueberries often - with pancakes and yoghourt, or in home-baked muffins - otherwise any other fresh, frozen or tinned fruit, so fruit isn't a problem.

    I always thought the indoor spiders with big bodies were females looking for a safe place to leave their nests for the next generation!  We have very few in the house, but they do like the warmth of the greenhouse!

    Talking of which, we have our last cucumber this weekend, but the tomatoes are still coming in; and the courgettes and beans are still good outside.

    I think breakfast is nearly ready, so that's all for now; BBL

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I like the idea of a summerhouse, GILLIAN. I have a place outside, sort of a covered patio,closed in on three sides. My grapevine likes it - some of the bunches nearer the house wall have started to ripen.

    OG- my breakfast today - as in the meaning of 'break fast'  was four squares of hazelnut milk chocolate at 10am. Well, nuts are good for us, aren't they?! I've had more sweet things since my old boy died,than ever before, must be a comfort thing? Strange.

    Off to shower, just realised the time!

  • Good morning. Lovely day here. Sun is shining and got some washing out.  Going to St Andrews today with elder daughter and 1 granddaughter and grandson. Can't leave till after lunch as daughter is working this morning.

    Hope your grapes ripen Heather. Saw Montys grapevine last night which was impressive.

  • Morning all:  Spent all day at the Grand Canyon yesterday.  Leaving Flagstaff for Prescott Valley via Oak Creek Canyon and Montezuma's Castle (Indian cliff dwellings) today.   Hope all are well

  • What a fantastic holiday your niece is having, ANNETTE. You will be having so much pleasure enabling it and guess you are enjoying it also :-)

  • Annette: That is a fabulous holiday that you and your niece are enjoying! I'd love to see the Grand Canyon and also the cliff dwellings. 

    I'll be back later to start the new thread. 

  • What a wonderful time you two are having, ANNETTE!  Your Niece must be thrilled that you are taking in so many spectacular sites!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!