Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 September 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week. There were lots of posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
U.S. National Park Service photo/S. Zenner
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • PAT - thanks for trying - it really is the boring cereal thing - will have porridge maybe once a week - even twice in deepest winter, but don't profess to enjoy it!  And I seem to have "gone off" bananas at the moment!  Sorry - I am getting as boring as my breakfast!

    Enjoy your trip to Denmark next week, whatever the weather!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  See I've missed Lindybird, but enjoyed her pix.  Good that Heather's friend is off home without suffering any medical crises!  OG Count me in as a member of the boring breakfast club: Shredded Wheat with either blueberries or dried cranberries; oatmeal with raisins in winter and, if I'm feeling reckless, egg, whole wheat toast and fruit for a change.  And coffee.  PatO:  Hope the weather improves for your Denmark trip.

    A very long but spectacular day yesterday.  We left Santa Fe at 9 and drove to Flagstaff under sunny skies dotted with puffy, white, flat-bottomed clouds that seemed close enough to touch. We made a several-hour detour through the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest - so extraordinarily beautiful and - to use an currently overworked word - amazing. As my niece said - "I can't find the word"  (although she did exclaim 'Wowee"  several times. We took masses of photos and when things are back to normal, I'll post some.  Today it's a comparatively easy day with a trip to the Grand Canyon..

    Take care all.

  • OG- I have a two egg omelet with spinach, diced onions, peppers and tomatoes and a small amount of shredded cheese to bind the veggies.

    I vary the veggies depending on season and I like a cup of hot cocoa.

    Coffee is always on at my house.

  • I have hypoglycemia so watch my sugar intake carefully. Cocoa is sugar free variety.

  • OG - pancakes? Muffins? continental breakfast with interesting breads, sliced cheeses and cold meats? I'm not a breakfast eater generally, but will have toast and marmite if I'm hungry, or a poached egg on toast. I do believe that a lot of folk have the same thing at breakfast each day. My OH had fresh orange juice (oranges juiced at home) with cornflakes and sliced fresh strawberries. Every day!

  • Heather - I'm on a cruise visiting several places, St Petersburg being the main one.  In Denmark we visit Copenhagen on the way out and Aarhus on the way back.  Any suggestions for places I should see?  There are so many excursions to choose from.  Mind you, we only have a few hours in each place …

  • PAT - I have only flown in and out of Aarhus in Jutland but have been to Copenhagen  ( Zealand) many times. It is a smallish city, the longest shopping street_ Stroget - several historic buildings and churches, the royal family's palaces (the ones that they live in!) , also Rosenborg castle with the crown jewels and of course, the Little Mermaid. Most visitors want to see the little mermaid (from Hans Christian Anderson's tales). You can get on a boat and cruise the Copenhagen waterways. The shops and restaurants by the harbour are very popular, think it is called Nyhaven. (New harbour in English)>

  • OG: Sorry. I won't be much help. In the summer, I don't eat breakfast. I get up and have a BIG glass of iced tea and then after 2-3 hours I have an early lunch of real food.

    In the bitter cold of winter when it's dark, I often have a bowl of Coco Wheats. That's a creamy hot cereal made of wheat-farina and flavored with natural cocoa. It was made by Little Crow Foods back in the 1930s (Great Depression era), and it's still popular here in rural areas. I put vanilla almond milk or rice milk on mine. Or sometimes I might have a slice of ancient-grain bread with cashew butter or almond butter on it. Or once in a while I'll eat a small packet of honey-glazed walnuts for breakfast. 

  • Hi everyone.

    I know I've missed you Lindybird but have a lovely weekend.  

    Annette - glad you are enjoying your time with your niece. Would love to see the Grand Canyon.

    Heather - good that you enjoyed your friends visit even though it must have been quite stressful for you knowing she wasn't taking care of herself.

    OG -

    Must say you're very organised with your garden but must be great having all that home grown produce to eat. We have either cornflakes or porridge with grapes or strawberries and sliced bananas.

    AQ that trip sounds wonderful. You seem to get around!

    Diane - sorry about the deer. You certainly seem to have a wide variety of wildlife around you.

    I am having a summerhouse built next week so Oh has been rearranging existing shed, greenhouse etc to make room. Got a conservatory set off gumtree yesterday so have made a start. Can't wait to decorate it.

    Got word from SSPCA yesterday Re birds on Mull. They are looking after them but would not say much more. But that's a relief.

    Thanks Lindy bird for offering to send link on how to post pics and to Alan for the link but I'm afraid I can't work it out. Maybe cos I'm doing it on a iPhone.

    Have a good weekend everyone!