Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 September 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week. There were lots of posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
U.S. National Park Service photo/S. Zenner
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Sunny start, rain later, so sent OH outside to do some garden work first (may join him when he moves from front to back) – he can do indoors this afternoon!

    Annette – sounds like you are enjoying the “tour” – have a good journey moving on today!

    Heather – sorry Isla was off school sick and your poor SiL drew the short straw to miss lunch!  We seem to have had some overnight rain – but didn’t hear it.

    Diane – pleased young deer is around but sorry she is being bitten so badly – hope she doesn’t get ticks!  I hope those Turkey hens are still managing to raise their young.  I wonder how far those molluscs had travelled down the creek – and where they were predated?

    Linda – slept more last night, thanks – much better this morning, apart from a silly nosebleed!

    AQ – glad cold is drying up, but sorry about lingering cough – hope you can enjoy your trip at the weekend.

    Finished my medicine so will go for a garden inspection – OH is topping some shrubs which J complains are in his way when reversing off the drive – my solution is always that they should reverse in and drive out, but it’s surprising how few people do that, even in car parks!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Glad you slept better, OG.  Nosebleeds are such a nuisance. I've just been in the garden again - ran in when I heard the phone, but no one on the other end, grr!  Might as well get on with indoor stuff now, or the morning will be gone.

    AQ - Sorry you've had such a bad time with your cold and cough.  Enjoy the spring!  I know you like it better than the hot summers.

    Pat - What a helpful man, with the spider. Bet he was scared but daren't show it!

    I think we had overnight rain, too.  But its just sort of damp, now.  Here are some pics:

    Close up of the windmill garden ornament bought for me by sis-in-law. They go around in opposing directions.

    We have lots more of these thingummies (forgot the name.....)  in the dark parts of the garden this year.

    The roses kindly sent to me by a friend, for my birthday - they are opening now and are lovely, although they don't smell. I sent her this pic so that she could see how nice they were.

  • Bonnie's Blog:

    Well, its been a strange few days.  Mum & Dad seem to be rushing around doing stuff all the time.   I hope they're not going away again....

    Yesterday, Mum spent quite a lot of time pulling out some of the Oh Dears in my ears.  I get these sticky things in my long ears, whenever I go exploring in the woods.  When I get home, she is very good about getting out all the ones I can't reach with my teeth.  I know they're called "Oh Dears" because every time she teases them out of my fur, she says "Oh Dear, Oh Dear!" when she sees how many there are.  I sit very still whilst she does it, and quite enjoy the bit of attention.

    Here are some pics of me lolling on a chair a couple of days ago - I do like to relax....

    Life is pretty good, Isn't it?

  • Oh, BONNIE - my Spaniels used to get Oh Dears in their ears too - one kind were "Sticky Willies" - the very sticky round seeds of goose grass, or cleavers. The others were also seeds, but a funny shape with one pointy end, and one flat end with little hooky hairs - I don't know what they were called!

    HEATHER - just heard that there was flooding in Inverness today - I hope you and your friend are okay!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - must investigate the flooding - not surprised though as the rain was hammering down here this afternoon.

    My friend leaves tomorrow, the time has flown past.

    I'm unsure about whether to say that I enjoyed the spider stories! OK, I did- but there was a little shiver in my spine :-)

    Can't stay on here any longer tonight but will catch up tomorrow!

  • Unknown said:
    my solution is always that they should reverse in and drive out, but it’s surprising how few people do that, even in car parks!

    OG - It is not legal here to park in reverse in street angle parking, and some private car parks forbid it.

    Where is everyone, at least, where was everyone during my overnight? Little chatter to read this morn!

  • Good Morning, and goodbye for now!  - we are off to visit our Eldest today, back late Sunday. Will be offline.

    Take care of yourselves.

  • Enjoy, LINDY!!

    It was quiet on here yesterday, AQ! We must all have been busy, I suppose. Not very warm here this morning - heating is on. Friend and I have decided that our time together has been both enjoyable and helpful. We have talked about our late OHs and shared a lot of laughter when reminiscing. I'm going with her to the airport today, will be back here later.

  • Good morning!  I hope LINDA and OH have good journeys and a lovely family weekend.  I am sure Bonnie will be happy if she is visiting the same doggy household as previously!

    HEATHER - your friend's week seems to have flown by; pleased you both feel the time together has been helpful as well as enjoyable.  Don't rush to get back on here after going to the airport - you will probably find you are very tired after she leaves!

    I saw lightning at silly o'clock when out of bed, but didn't hear thunder, although there had been rain.  Dry and sunny now - OH hopes to harvest some of the potatoes this afternoon to make space for the mini-greenhouses to store some of the over-wintering plants until the real greenhouse is cleared of tomatoes, and fumigated.  The temp was quite low when he got up this morning, so we want to avoid frosting.  He has gone to buy bark chips this morning and will shop on the way home.  We were pleased with time spent in the garden yesterday before the afternoon rain, and then I got started on the Christmas cards.

    Now, may I pleased ask advice about breakfasts?  I like to vary breakfast as much as my other meals, whereas OH would be happy with cereal or porridge all the time - except for our "family cooked breakfast" on Saturdays.  I have never liked cereals (always felt one might as well eat the cardboard packaging!)  Today we were to have cereal Mine would be Oatibix - the only one I will tolerate - but I couldn't contemplate it, so I had a poached egg on the bottom half of my lunchtime bap, thus leaving just the top half for a tuna sandwich.  It's all so boring - anyone got any ideas?  (we do always have one fruit portion at breakfast as well).  I have to eat breakfast as I am hungry , but also need something to help me down nine assorted tablets!

    Just got to check some birthday dates for posting.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - I have pretty much the same breakfast every day.  I mix my own muesli with porridge oats, dried fruit rice crispies and malted wheat.  I have a small bowl of that with some sort of fruit - frozen berries are a treat, but otherwise grapes or dried apricots.  This is followed by a banana.  I don't get bored with it!  If I am playing golf and it's cold, I'll have porridge with dried fruit instead.  And when I'm on holiday … well, calories don't count when you're away from home, do they?  That's probably absolutely no help to you at all!

    Decent day again here, although there was a fair bit of rain overnight.  Just heard from a friend on holiday in Denmark that they have very heavy rain there - oh good, I'll be there next week!