Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 September 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week. There were lots of posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
U.S. National Park Service photo/S. Zenner
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Morning all:  Have read all posts but no time for chatty responses as we're off to Museum Hill this morning and quick look ins at other places before we leave for Flagstaff tomorrow.   But sorry to read that OG is feeling creaky; also that Heather's SiL is still waiting for blood results - that's terrible and so frustrating for him! AQ Feel better!

    Take care all

  • Enjoy, ANNETTE!

    Glad that there is nothing amiss, OG.

    No spiders here since I blocked overflows in bathrooms. Now waiting for Incy Wincy spider to appear in the kitchen or utility!

    Friend and I had a good time in Elgin. One granddaughter was off sick from school so youngest daughter had lunch with us while her OH looked after Isla at home.

    Heavy rain here this evening.

  • Hi, all. I saw the yearling white-tailed doe deer this evening when she arrived to eat her favorite weeds. I feel so sorry for her, because her fur is looking very sparse. She's being bitten mercilessly by insects -- deer flies and, I suspect, chiggers. Poor little girl. I've now collected 13 wild turkey feathers from my yard, so the hens are visiting when I'm not looking. 

    Annette: I hope you're having a great time on your trip. Heather: Have a nice time at your lunch tomorrow. I looked at the restaurant online. Looks wonderful. OG: I hope you rest well tonight and feel less fatigued. Lynette: I hope you enjoy your wonderful concert in London!

    Gillian: Hope you enjoyed your dog-sitting. I don't think that here we have dog fields that you can rent for an hour. That's a great idea. I hope your grandson does well at college and is happy. 

    Lindy: That was a strange situation with your birthday dinner. I think I would like eating without people around. LOL. I came on here to say that I hope you have a wonderful time with your family this weekend. I know it's special when you all can get together. 

    bjane: Glad to hear that you're okay so far. I have the remnants of tropical storm Gordon moving in, so torrential rains through the weekend here.

    The last time my creek flooded, it washed up a bunch of fresh-water mollusk shells. I found them piled behind my garage, and some were quite large. I didn't even know there were mollusks in that creek! Strange! 

    Take care, all. 

  • Diane: Niece and I are glued to the television watching the latest revelations from Woodward and of course, the NYT Op-Ed piece!   

    We're leaving Santa Fe tomorrow for Flagstaff..

  • Annette: I just read the op-ed. I'm trying to figure out who wrote it. Also deciding whether this is a constitutional crisis. Have a good, safe drive to Flagstaff!

  • Good Morning.  Just had to sign in again, which I haven't done for a while. Sunshine again, here - we even sat in the garden for half an hour yesterday.

    Annette - Your trip sounds wonderful. Enjoy! (Amazing reports coming out of The White House......)

    Diane, how strange that you found the molluscs. Thanks for your good wishes, I'm really looking forward to having all of the family together on Saturday. Hope that you and bjane don't get too bad weather upcoming. Stay safe!

    OG - I hope you've had a better night, and feel the benefit today.

    Heather - when does your friend go home, I've forgotten. Nice for you to have company.

  • ps - Heather, my OH caught the BIGGEST spider in a jam jar yesterday, and put it in the garden! Ugh!

  • I opened one of my wall cupboards in the kitchen on Monday and saw waving legs just above my eye level.  Slammed the door very quickly.  Then wondered what to do about it.  I did nothing until Tuesday.  There are usually several men around here - but of course never when you need them!  I rang one of my neighbours and said, 'How are you with spiders?'  'Not very good', he replied.  I explained my problem and he said, 'I'll send my wife!'  I pointed out the cupboard would be too tall for her to see anything - she is even shorter than I am.  'OK, I'll come', he said.  He opened the cupboard, with me hiding behind the door.  He pulled out one very dead spider and looked quite pleased with himself.  He went back to the cupboard and moved some things - and said, 'It's HUGE!!!'  This one was very much alive.  He caught it in a cloth and disposed of it on the grass outside.  I was really grateful - and I think he was quite chuffed to have helped a damsel in distress.  Someone told me she had had two huge spiders in her house - perhaps they re thriving, and growing so large after the summer we have had.  Hope not to meet any more!!

    Hope everyone is well, and has a good day today.

  • Pat – What a big brave hero – I’ll send my wife! Glad he redeemed himself.

    Linda – I have to sign in about once a week.

    Thank you, Friends, for healthy wishes. I’m slowly mending, have reached the dry-cough stage, sleeping longer spells at night, less naps in day. I must be better by Sunday for my first bus trip this spring. It is spring as there is blossom on the neighbour’s peach tree.

    Bus trip is across to eastern side of River Murray and the mallee lands. Burdett, Purnong, Bowhill (lunch), Copeville, Claypans, Mindarie, Halidon, Sandalwood, Karoonda (a’tea). Chauffeur-Friend & I visited Bowhill 2 years ago. Remembering that the general store is a green galvo shed (-34.885, 139.6624), I shall either buy a sandwich at m’tea stop or take a homemade lunch.

  • No idea why lat-long is crazy. It would not let me correct and then it posted before I was ready!!!  Sorry.