Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 September 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week. There were lots of posts at the end of last week's thread, so check back. 

Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
U.S. National Park Service photo/S. Zenner
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Clever clogs! I take it that was one of the ones you bought the other day?

    Hope OG is OK,it isn't like her to miss a day on here.

    Regards to all-

  • I don't know where the italics came from, when I want them I can't do them!!

  • Well  done, Lindy. Those faces do look remarkably similar. Did  you feel they were staring at you?

    How many pieces?

    I wrote a longish post, but deleted it. It was about a frustrating day at two local hospitals yesterday. I have lost the will. I couldn't have made it up!

    Regards to all

  • I can understand frustration and hospitals, ROSY. Hope you weren't too upset/annoyed. Not to put too fine a point on it - those of us like you and I ( old nurses!) can often see what is missing nowadays. Enough said!

  • Heather - Yes, it's one of the children's ones.   I expected to do it in ten minutes! Rosy -  Only 100 pieces, but harder than I expected! Sorry you had a horrible day - go and shout out in the garden!

    I hope OG has just been busy..

  • Heather B said:

    I don't know where the italics came from, when I want them I can't do them!!

    They come from putting a finger on the slanting "I"  at the top of the box you type in, Heather. If you touch it again, it stops doing it.

  • Good Morning, All.  Sunshine through my window, today. Going to wash a few clothes as well as the usual bedding I do mid week. Also, must get out in the garden and do a tidy up.

    Hope Annette has met up with her niece and is having fun.

  • It was supposed to be cloudy and windy here today. I did not know that a cloud was round and bright!

  • Hello – sorry if you were worried by my absence.  I was busy yesterday and then tired!  Wall men came to get started on the repair and hairdresser came to tidy me up!  After early lunch, we went to M&S Food (postponed from Monday) and also bought bits and pieces at HobbyCraft for Christmas cards – but hoping to use up some leftovers too.  Couldn’t really understand how I was tired in the evening after sitting in the wheelchair all afternoon, but OH said that he sees me having a lot of difficulty getting in and out of the car these days, and I was also mentally tired because I was making shopping decisions.  I didn’t sleep well last night, so shall be lazy today!  J has gone out as usual, and OH is at dentist right now but won’t be long – just a check-up.  Wall men are back, but I think they will finish before lunch.

    Read all your posts – but please excuse lack of replies.  Another bright, sunshiny day, same as yesterday – getting to enjoy this again, but I believe the typhoon in Japan is about to throw something at the jet stream and cause another wobble!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Glad you've got the sunshine too, OG.  I've put out three washloads of laundry, and spent two hours in the garden. Now I'm bushed!

    Dug up some annuals which have stopped flowering, pruned a few things, planted a mallow which was getting too big in a pot, and helped my OH clear up the final mess as he cut off the last big branches of our huge apple tree. Now there's more light in the kitchen! (My tablet just changed that to foresight......could probably do with that in the kitchen....)

    Sorry you've been feeling tired, but there seems to be a lot going on, so your mind is working overtime. Be kind to yourself and just potter. You've reminded me that every year I swear I'll make my Christmas cards in July.  Only managed to do that once! This year I do have a few left over from last year, to start me off.