Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 August 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful, peaceful week!

Bull Moose "Laughing"
Grand Teton National Park 
U.S. National Park Service, NPS/Adams
Photo labeled Public Domain (copyright free)

  • Annette-guess the link works after all.

  • Evening all.  Much nicer ride today with wildflowers and sunflowers alongside some of the roads as the road climbed gradually to Prescott.  Peeples Valley and Skull Valley were lovely and green from all the monsoon rains and temps were in the mid-to-low 80s with a lovely breeze (no humidity).  Went out to eat at a nice but rather noisy Mexican restaurant (well, it was Friday night on a holiday weekend) with family and now at hotel.  Tomorrow I'm planning a slowish day and we've already decided on vegetarian pizza and salad from a really good Take-and-Bake place to make things easy on everyone.

    Heather:  At one point when I was back in the UK, my sister had a blood pressure monitor the doc had given her to use for a week that she seemed very lackadaisical about using properly, in spite of my suggestions on how to position, etc.  All a bit alarming....

    Diane:  Haha - when you said "Here in Indiana, we've had a strange visiit......" I initially thought you were referring to The Orange Menace, who was just there too. (I bet he's having a fit that the spotlight this weekend is on John McCain and not him.)    Anyway, that IS an elegant bird and it's interesting that they're so far from their usual territory.

    bjane: Thank you!  I've bookmarked that link.

    Take care all.