Link to July
Birdies LG DU update.
Info re camera:-
Heather tells me that the camera failed earlier due to lack of power from the solar panels. The bad weather yesterday dropped the capacity to a level which automatically cuts the power completely. This avoids having to reboot each time. When sufficient power is available it will restart automatically as it did this morning.
Kind regards, Ann
Thanks for that info re "yes it's Aran" and the cam, MIKE :)
I should be able to insert a fly-off later, but... and here I go moaning about VLC again ;)
EDIT - here's a ton of Aran up to him leaving the tree - but taken from editor so they're not so intense.
He turned into a blur as he flew off after this shot:
The juvie gave up and flew off:
The one on the nest just flew.
I'm flying too - see ya later :)
Just packing up and noticed they'd both gone.
Spied someone!
Cheerio !!!
One chick in view on the perch.
Whoever it is they are shouting for breakfast
Been quiet for a while now
Soooo beautiful Grown from a gorgeous bobblehead Strong and full of life and yet they may not survive That is the hard part I can never get used to Saddens me immensely
It's KS1, now on the nest mantling and screaming.