Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I hope it's cooler for all of us in the heatwave!

Here's my picture for the week. This is a bald eagle flying over my region. I live on the Parke County line. 

Also, I enjoyed this very short video. I've heard -- in person -- the loud roars and screams of a mountain lion, but I've never heard the big cats' strange catcalling vocalization. Few videos have captured this call, and I happened upon this new one yesterday. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • OG: Your little great-granddaughter is glorious. Such a beautiful little one.

    Everyone check back to last week's thread to look at the beautiful picture of her. 

    Annette: Have a safe journey home. 

  • HOME!!  Was late leaving Prescott (daughter felt like staying home alone after nonstop disruption for the last six weeks and I don't blame her).  Headed out around 11:30 and right into huge thunderstorm (short-lived).  I'd made a reservation in Indio for the night but it was 115 F when I stopped for very late lunch and I thought, No Way!. It must have been well into the 90s in the restaurant, even with the A/C.  Anyway, I cancelled the hotel, got back in the car and kept going. Got home in really good time, with light but fast traffic through Palm Springs and all the way through LA to home.  Can't believe I'm here!   Had a little chat with OH before he went off to bed, during which he remarked that there was some frozen salmon in the fridge.  Guess what we're having for dinner tomorrow....

    Diane: Thank you dearie for the new week. That's a gorgeous photo.  That mountain lion sounds just like a domestic cat!

    Heather:  Hope Amy has been duly advised that  there's a reason freezers have lids on them.  

    OG:  Must tattoo "relax" on inside of eyeballs!  What a lovely photo of that little cutie.  I love that little toadstool! We have just one four-generation photo of my Mum, me, daughter and g/daughter sitting on the steps of my Long Beach house. We all look a bit demented -  bleary-eyed/loopy/confused and/or startled.  And it's the only one of us all together.  :-(

    Clare:  I kept thinking  HM might suddenly be "indisposed" prior to her meeting with what's-his-name, but she's  trooper.  What a life, eh?

    PatO:  Ignorance of protocol is the least of DT's shortcomings

    ChrisyB:  Interessting about Mardale. We have similar remains in the US that show up when reservoir water levels drop. How far do you live from you siblings?

    Lindybird: I'll look forward to pix from the flower show.

    Lynette: Nice to see you.  This a cruise in October, yes?

    OK. Off to bed  Will unpack tomorrow (car is still loaded with Lord-knows-what.  Meanwhile, I see the World Cup and Wimbledon Men's finals broadcasts are both on very early.

  • Hey, you're home already, Annette! Well done but you must be tired now!

  • Good Morning, and many thanks to Diane for starting us off again on a new week. Love the picture for this week!  Off to hear the big cats in a minute.

    Pleased to see that Annette is now home and in her own bed: I expect her OH was pleased to see her. 

    Woke early myself today as my OH has gone off out on a Golf Day - his society arrange for days out on other local courses, but I bet they might regret this one as it's forecast to be another hot day. A record hot day for the Mens Finals at Wimbledon, possibly!

    I'm going to have a day pottering about, doing this and that. May look in on the tennis but not watching the whole thing. Have a good day, everyone!

  • Diane – Thank you for another week. So strange hearing those miaows from such a big animal.

    OG – What a gorgeous g-g-dau. Love those rosy cheeks.

    Annette – Did you & OH recognise each other? Need an introduction?

    Our cave diving doc is home. He wasn't flown back 1st class as I would expect, but in a RAAF plane. I hope they give him extra leave to resume his Nullabor holiday.

    No nanny duty for these 2 weeks (school holidays). I did offer to mind Trio while Dau had a shopping trip. Alas, she has a virus & conjunctivitis. 2 kids have bad eyes too. She phoned me last night for a moan.

  • Just a quick hello from me this morning - we have decided the three of us will take a trip to Caerlaverock in the sunshine and have a bite of lunch there.  Had to eat our lunchtime pizza for breakfast, but Ham and mushroom not much different from grilled Bacon and mushrooms!  I upset the timetable as I couldn't wake up, but am now awake enough for my shower!  Thanks for overnight posts - will reply later!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thank you, Diane, for the lovely picture and the very interesting 'cat call'.  My Siamese used to sound a bit like that, but he was a lot smaller!

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday, whatever you are doing - hard to get away from sport in some form or another!  I will be switching between the tennis and golf and trying to avoid the football.

  • Meant to say - someone told me about a lovely cartoon in one of our newspapers.  The Queen looks out of a window in Windsor Castle and whispers - 'Has he gone yet?'  

  • Have a good lunch at Caerlaverock, OG & EE!!

    AQ - Your daughter sounds a bit run down, and no wonder when they all keep her on the go! Hope she doesn't get too poorly with the virus.

    It's warm again here, but bearable: yesterday it read to be 28 degrees in the car, and 83 degrees F in the old fashioned measurement, in our dining room! I should say that for our overseas friends, a "hot" summers day here is usually 24 or 25 degrees! - outside and in the shade!

    I've done lots this morning. Did some pruning and tidying in the garden, sent sis in law some photos by email, wrapped some birthday presents, ordered a new dog bed in the sale. Hope to watch a bit of the tennis, but more to do this afternoon so may dip in and out of it.