Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I hope it's cooler for all of us in the heatwave!

Here's my picture for the week. This is a bald eagle flying over my region. I live on the Parke County line. 

Also, I enjoyed this very short video. I've heard -- in person -- the loud roars and screams of a mountain lion, but I've never heard the big cats' strange catcalling vocalization. Few videos have captured this call, and I happened upon this new one yesterday. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • Good luck with the 'Frozen' stuff, LINDY! You could say that I'm very familiar with Frozen :-) Bella loves anything to do with it. Including the song 'Let it go'. I sometimes wished that she would just let it go!! One of those tunes that gets stuck in your head but it lovely to see the little ones singing and 'dancing' as they listen/watch.

  • Yes, I saw the film when it came out and thought "Well, it's OK..... but why all the fuss?"  But all the youngsters seem to absolutely love it, for some reason. Amber already has the dressing up outfits so her daddy thinks she would like one of the Junior Lego Kits. I also found a DVD with "Singalong" of the film so might get that, too.

    Not mad on the "Let it Go" tune, either!!

    Been busy in all sorts of ways. Tucking stuff back into the spare room which I shifted for son to stay. Read about three days worth of emails! Stuck some fillers into the back of some favourite shoes which are slightly too roomy. (Don't tell Annette that I just sent for some new sandals in the Sales!!)

    Now going to investigate claiming some PPI without the use of an agency - don't want anyone else benefiting from anything I can get!

  • I spent some time this morning wandering around the toy department in a local store - something I haven't done for many years.  My niece has just adopted an almost-two-year-old little boy who has a birthday this weekend.  So I bought him - with permission! - a drum and a xylophone.  He has shown interest in music, and I will always do everything I can to encourage that!  Such fun looking at everything available - far more than when my daughter was that age!

    I think I've recovered from yesterday, although strange bits of me ache today.  Just off to prepare the bowls tea, so not too energetic.  At least what we give them will be far more acceptable than we were given yesterday …

  • It is indeed wise to check with parents before giving drums, trumpets, etc, PAT! Good that the little one shows an interest in music. One of my younger granddaughters requested a ukulele for her birthday. I thought that it was an odd choice but I know nothing! I hope your aches have faded away.

    It has been a 'bitty' day here. The painter came to put the final coat on the exterior beading around new windows. OH's daughter in law and grandson popped in for a while, I pulled a few weeds and fed the washing machine.

    ANNETTE - what was the verdict on the blinds?

  • Hope the tea was well received, Pat.  And your aches fade a bit, today.

    Heather -- I keep seeing articles and tv reports that the ukulele has had a resurgence in popularity, apparently it's not too difficult to learn and is nicely portable. Maybe there's a club or a class for it in her school.

    I've had a mixed day: I started full of urgency, and vim. But by 11 o'clock in the morning I glanced in a mirror and realised that I hadn't combed my hair! - at all! Needless to say, my OH hadn't noticed (I would certainly have pointed it out to HIM if he'd done the same!). I then got caught up in the many emails I'd received, and spent longer online than intended.  But I did clear out a magazine rack, which inexplicably had some old stuff dated 2006 in it...... you can see how disorganised I get when it comes to any paper items....

    Never got around to the PPI thing. Must do something, I keep putting it off.

  • When I send wishes to anyone unwell that you would soon get better, do take care that I did not use the wrong word – perhaps I meant “wouldn’t”. Oh it is so difficult, these words (would wouldn’t) are so similar.

  • I have been culling old photos. Found this one taken in a country bakery many years ago.

  • AQ - The news channels have been having a blast with the would/wouldn't words!!

  • Don't like these Disney-type kids's movies with their gorgeous heroines and handsome heroes; all a bit too Cinderella-like for me. 

    What?!  Is someone buying new sandals?

    Lindybird: What is PPI?

    PatO:   Nice to read of adoption. Are you going to his b/day party?

    Heather:  WIndow blind guy didn't show up, so this morning I took them down and replaced them with blinds from another window in the same room.  Am trying to think of alternative coverings.  If I can't figure it out, will just have to switch them back come October, when the sun will be on the south side of the house again.  Am a bit "decisioned-out" after that bathroom remodel

    AQ:  :-)))  A fiasco. The whole thing is a pathetic fiasco.     Meanwhile, I see the world's oldest profession is diversifying. :-)

    bjane:  I don't know what the news folks and late-night tak-show hosts will do when "would he/wouldn't he" is gone.  (He IS going at some point, right?).  I will buy a bottle of champagne and go dancing up and down the street on that day....

    Sorted through a lot of paperwork and did a bunch of garden work today; Fountain is dismantled and bits and pieces are soaking. Tomorrow must clean out the hummingbird feeders and take car(s) to car wash. OH's just needs a drive-through; mine needs everything after 6 weeks in an alien landscape.

    Off to find something to do that won't tax my brain.......

  • Tea went very well - thank you.  It always amazes me how much food can be demolished in a very few minutes by 24 people - and how much washing up there is to do afterwards!  And how much ends up on the floor!!!  Do people drop so many crumbs at home?  Somehow I doubt it.  However, that's my tea duty done for this season.

    Annette - His birthday is on Saturday, but they are doing other things then.  I will see him on Sunday and Monday.  I have bought a super xylophone with a hammer - a whole octave of sound!  Also a small drum - I don't think it will last very long, but will be fun while it does.