Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 July 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and I hope it's cooler for all of us in the heatwave!

Here's my picture for the week. This is a bald eagle flying over my region. I live on the Parke County line. 

Also, I enjoyed this very short video. I've heard -- in person -- the loud roars and screams of a mountain lion, but I've never heard the big cats' strange catcalling vocalization. Few videos have captured this call, and I happened upon this new one yesterday. 

Take care, everyone. 

  • Morning all: Super pix Lindybird; thank you.

    OG: Paperwork went very slowly yesterday; in fact, it looks suspiciously as though nothing has changed at all!   My sister did some volunteer work on the old stone walls near their village at one point.  She was the only woman and every time she'd finished a bit, some man would come over and redo it.  Repairman is coming by to look at my collapsed blinds this morning; it doesn't sound hopeful.....

    Heather: Those Plantation shutters are lovely to look at but have wide wooden frames and I think look better on larger windows.  I don't like the blinds we have now because even though they let you control the light more easily, they get very dirty and are a pain to clean (as the plantation shutters would be).  I really, really hate housework.  

    Just saw this fascinating story on the BBC website about hidden landmarks revealed by the drought.   There are also some interesting links to similar stories if you scroll down.  https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-44767497

  • ANNETTE - I was looking at that earlier, on the BBC website.

    I really,really hate housework as well.The only problem is that I hate looking at the house if the housework hasn't been done. I'm getting better at that, though!

  • From Caerlaverock:  We have just found a new species for Scotland at Chris Packham's UK Bioblitz! These are Saucer Bugs, Ilyocoris cimicoides!

    Image may contain: plant and outdoor

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • What great looking little creatures, OG!    Saucer bugs! -looking like flying saucers, I presume?

    Bonnie's new bed arrived today. A posh mock sheepskin which should be cosy for winter. She was hot in the hot weather we've been having, and we didn't put her in her crate at night so that she had the choice of bed, carpet or cool kitchen tiles to choose from. She's been very good and no trouble, so this is her reward, as it were.

    Just took these pictures on my tablet:

  • OG- we are hearing so much about 'fake news' etc that I found myself looking for a hidden meaning in the name of the bugs.....

    It isn't really something to joke about - the world is going crazy.

  • Heather - Do so agree about 'fake news'.  I find myself doubting anything I hear on the radio or television these days …

    I had to smile at your being chosen for the final line of the F&S song.  I used to do some training for a voluntary organisation.  One of the role plays was a telephone call from a person who used all sorts of swear words - and I always got chosen to do it!  Probably because I don't swear in real life.  I have to admit to secretly enjoying putting everything into that role play!

    Lindy - Bonnie seems very much at home in her new bed.

    Absolutely exhausted this evening.  Golf this morning, bowls match this afternoon, and then more than two hours in solid traffic, with the motorway being closed after a lorry overturned on the slip road.  Over two hours for a journey which should have taken no more than fifty minutes. Grrrr …

    I'm off to bed in the hope tomorrow will be a little more straightforward!  Good night, all.

  • Your journey sounds awful, PAT.

  • Good Morning.  Dull and a bit grey here today.

    Pat -- that sounds really tiring and frustrating. Hope you got some rest last night.

    Our Eldest duly arrived, after a good journey. We talked about family before he turned in, then we all went to bed: Little Amber has her last day and "Graduation" ceremony from Nursery soon, and starts pre school classes at the school only five minutes from their home, in September. He left here this morning, before I got up.

  • Forgot to say, OG. Is it a joint wall where you each pay 50%? All our fences are joint and no problems sorting out money, so far. Watch this space - Joint front fence on one side blew down in last Winter's gales. I've mentioned it to next door but she probably won't want to pay half of the sort of fence that I'd like! Son in law has cobbled the fence up and I probably won't get it done this year - have already spent quite a lot on new double glazing units and exterior house painting.

    Glad that you had a good chat with your son, LINDY and hope that you will be able to get through there, soon. Maybe your birthday weekend treat? Stay in a good hotel and also see the grandchildren?

  • Might do that next year, Heather - We share a birthday, so I don't want to outshine Ambers treats this year as mine is a landmark one, but I don't want a fuss from the family. We will be going away, as I said to OG, and then perhaps see them all for a visit, a few days later. Sent Eldest home with two parcels of a t shirt plus some books, now I have to buy her main present which seems to be a request for some "Frozen" items!!

    Off to do some bathroom cleaning, plus some "Frozen" research..