Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 June 2018

Happy New Week!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and easy week! 

Grizzly Bear at Frying Pan Spring in Yellowstone National Park
U.S. National Park Service/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Ah, Okay, dis-allowed delete, but insisted edit had to have replacement text!

    Think I got there now - and notice this post is being allowed a delete!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • We used to do so many baskets, tubs and stands full of flowers, LINDY. Over the years we cut down on the number but when looking at old photos yesterday I felt - I don't know what - sad? or just relieved that I don't have to spend an hour or more watering them? Not sure.

  • Unknown said:

    Ah, Okay, dis-allowed delete, but insisted edit had to have replacement text!

    Think I got there now - and notice this post is being allowed a delete!

    The Site has  been strange, lately, sometimes not allowing me to post anything and sometimes not letting me add pictures.

  • Heather B said:

    We used to do so many baskets, tubs and stands full of flowers, LINDY. Over the years we cut down on the number but when looking at old photos yesterday I felt - I don't know what - sad? or just relieved that I don't have to spend an hour or more watering them? Not sure.

    I know.  I try not to have too many pots as it can take an age to water them all. And we don't have a neighbour we can ask to kindly help us out with watering if it's particularly dry when we're away. (Our best neighbours are very kind but are too elderly to be asked to do extra on top of caring for their own garden.)

    There have certainly been a few swearywords, I can confirm, when it's been hot and I've been tired, watering at the end of a busy day!

  • Evening all: Busy but good days here.  No contractors tomorrow, so am going to head out early to do "normal" things and putter around the stores....alone!  :-)

  • Nice to hear that you're managing to have some "me' time, Annette, but that progress has been made. It's quite a marathon you're all on, but will be worth it.

    Good Morning, All. Another dry day ahead, here. We had a tiny, gentle shower yesterday evening which made the blackbirds sing but hardly made a mark on the ground.

    My Friend rushed back from her holiday and saw the Specialist yesterday. He said, thankfully, that he doubts if she has a cancer, but on looking at her lengthy notes he thinks that she could have internal scarring and lesions from her hysterectomy, gall bladder removal and radiotherapy in the past. He has arranged for her to have a full body scan in a week or so, to check. She did not feel well whilst away, and ate very little, so is losing a lot of weight.

  • Good morning; usual sunny weather with slight possibility of afternoon showers; was a marginally cooler night at last.

    HEATHER and LINDA - we have quite an array of pots on the deck - some permanent, some annual, some waiting to move elsewhere in the garden, so quite random planting, but at least the containers are all blue or black so some co-ordination there.  Don't know whether to be pleased that LINDA's friend's consultant is unsure - more waiting!  I still think they should perform full body scans much earlier when people have a history.  I hope the loss of weight is from worry rather than physical in origin.

    I spoke with GEORGE last evening; he is back on the old tablets and feeling much better!  We are meeting with him for lunch next Thursday.  I also arranged a meal with GSon#2 and his wife on Friday, so holiday is taking shape at last.

    GDau#1 and her parents aren't arriving until noon.  OH is preparing lasagne which we shall have with flat bread and salad - keeping it simple.  He's getting it ready so he can just pop it in the oven later.  J is having a "lie-in" this morning.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDY - I know that you are very worried about your friend. Sending hugs from here. She will be very anxious and that on its own can cause lack of appetite, can't it? Good that she will get a scan fairly quickly.

    OG - I could eat lasagne today! Instead, we are having burgers with all the bits and pieces and 'posh puppy' mini hotdogs from M and S. Youngest is making a pasta salad and a green salad. Middle daughter is bringing some things and I might be persuaded to throw a bag of French Fries in the oven. Great that you will be meeting up with George next week. Please give him my regards.

    ANNETTE - Sounds as if you need some 'me time'....

    LYNETTE - did your GP come up with any suggestions about your falls?

    Still no rain here but overcast. Don't know what the day will bring. I keep weeding but the little beggars are just laughing and waving at me.

    Have a good day, ALL

  • Watched "Trooping" earlier while making carrot cake. Will ice later.

    OG   Glad things are coming tog for your Fife trip.

    LINDY fingers crossed for your friend.

    HEATHER Hope you have a lovely time with your family. Our weather is certainly good enough tp enjoy eating outside.

  • Visitors arrived 12:15 and left 3:30, so quite a fleeting visit!  Seemed an okay afternoon for all.  Tired now, so not going to church tomorrow - need to be well for hosp appt Monday!  Were supposed to get thundery showers - SiL said he heard some thunder, but nothing happened; atmosphere hanging heavy; OH watering whole garden again, and reminding J how to do it while we are away.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!