Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 June 2018

Happy New Week!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and easy week! 

Grizzly Bear at Frying Pan Spring in Yellowstone National Park
U.S. National Park Service/Jim Peaco
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good Morning. Dull here but could clear later: still warm.  

    AQ, glad your cough is abating. Amazing that the rain there has held off.

  • BTW, very excited yesterday as my splendiferous red poppies are now open!

  • Still summer weather here - hope to fit in garden time today, but other things to do for Dau visit Sat, hosp appt Monday and travelling Tuesday.  Solar man is at last coming to fit the new inverter - about 5pm he said

    Garden birds getting greedy/lazy/both - sitting and waiting when feeds are due!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • We had a lovely day yesterday. Had a 1 1/2 hour walk round Loch an Eilein. We had taken sandwiches and strawberries in our cool box so sat near the car and enjoyed them. While we were there a very smart chap in a kilt walked through the carpark and we smiled when we saw someone ask if they could take his pic. He was happy with that , then went on his way towards the loch. We were a little surprised to see him as smart dress isn't the usual outfit there. We soon found out why as on our way out we passed a car adorned with bridal ribbons. We then guessed that the chap in a kilt was the registrar and he was there to conduct a wedding, how lovely. On our way home we stopped at friends who live in Tomatin  for coffee and homemade carrot cake, and delicious it was too.

  • DIBNLIB - what a great place to have a wedding! Glad that you enjoyed your day out. I think that our weather is set to change next week :-(

    OG - Maybe your daughter is just a practical soul who can't see beyond the task she will be doing while at your home! I do hope though, if the weather is good that the two of you could indeed enjoy a coffee and chat on the deck, as you suggested.

    LINDY - I love poppies, don't have any this year, don't know exactly what has happened. There a shrub which needs to be taken out. Maybe the poppies got suffocated!

    AQ - Good that your cough is getting better. When it has gone, maybe you will have to do a rain dance....

    I'm off to town shortly. Elgin family and middle daughter and co are coming tomorrow for a meal. Nothing fancy. It doesn't look as if we shall be eating outside, though. We'll see.

  • HEATHER - you are such a kind person, seeing the best in people.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG    That is so sad.  Like Heather I would love to hear you had both enjoyed some catch up time over a coffee.

  • Why is the site not allowing me to edit or delete this post?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • {HUGS} to you, OG......  families can be tricky.  My offspring have both been known to make me grit my teeth..

  • Your picnic sounded good, Dibnlib. :-)

    We've been out buying more bedding plants. I don't know why I've been asleep this year, but I'll now have to juggle with my hanging baskets and tubs as I didn't buy enough plants when there were plenty everywhere. Off to put some of them in, now.