• Fantastic Patily! What a super day you had, with lots of surprises.

  • Patily, Thanks for your report.  It sounds like you had a fantastic day at Rutland, and it is wonderful that you met several other Forumates and that Rutland people were so helpful.

    Mike, Thanks for the photos!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • A lovely day, a lovely report, and great photos of a super time at Manton Bay, thank you Mike and Patily!  It was a delight to meet you Patily, after all these years.  And also to meet Mike with whom I have many a PM to much amusement!  Please thank your wife too Mike, a lovely lady!  I have to say it was probably my most favourite and memorable day of the few I have had, but this was my third visit this year. Blue sky, sunshine and wonderful company.   Paul and Anya as ever were great, and not forgetting the osprey family.  Maya even took a fly by and dipped her talons in the water before taking a bath.

    My OH had cycled from home, 72 miles on an electric bike.  He left home at 8.00am and arrived at just after 3.00pm. but was forced to stay at the Jockey and Horse, or is it the Horse and Jockey,  until I returned with Mike who was staying nearby.  We then  took a 'scenic' route part of the way back home to avoid the rush hour before hitting the A1, A14 and A11 back home.  A horrible route for me!  But nothing could diminish my smile for a wonderful time with friends, staff and osprey at RW!!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Sunday again  !  I wrote a reply and twice got Access Denied

  • Thank you everybody and thank you MIKE for the pictures I am waiting for my friends to forward me theirs. It was so lovely to meet you MIKE, and LYNN and, of course, SHEILA As you say "after all these years. How could I have forgotten the exciting spectacle of Maya first washing her feet and then bathing? I'll never forget this special visit, including all the activity from the ospreys and their neighbours

  • Trying to feed themselves.

  • Here are some of my photos taken on our 'Grand Day Out' at Rutland on Friday 22 June 2018 - when Mike, and his wife, Lynn, and I surprised Patily!

    If you prefer I remove the pics of you, Patily, please let me know.

    Having made our way to Waderscrape, Patily was settled by the long window, bins ready to use

    It was suggested that Patily might be able to get close enough to the scope to see the nest....It took some maneuvering!  With Mike overseeing the action.

    But it worked, although it wasn't really comfortable for Patily to stay like that for long, but she did see the nest

    The view of the perch and the nest

    Maya on the cam and the chicks below.  They are getting quite big now.  I am sure it won't be long before they fledge!  There was quite a bit of 'wingercising' and even a spot of low helicoptering

    33 on the perch, having a spot of 'me time' and preening

    A water vole was minding its own business, eating a piece of reed, when a young moorhen took exception and pecked it on the back of the neck.  'Ratty' went scurriyng across the water!

    Maya had a bath - pics aren't very good at all ... but!

    Bottoms up

    I then walked round to Shallow Water hide for the better view

    and other wildlife - demanding food

    I have been three times this year, and possibly once or twice over the past few years, and I have never had such beautiful weather!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • AU and AW are keeping a wary eye on all around them.  It will be warm on the nest too

     © L&RWT ROP

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Fabulous pictures, Sheila. Thanks so much for posting them. Love the ones of the water vole, and of Maya having her bath!