Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 May 2018


I hope everyone has a great week!

White-Tailed Deer
U.S. National Park Service/R. Cammauf
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • DIBNLIB - holiday sounds lovely - enjoy.

    We shall be off to Fife again in just over a week - trying five nights this time.  Unless J gets call for his eye op - optician has recommended having it done since the surgeon has now decided he will do it!    He said having whole correction in the lenses would be very thick and heavy.  We would want to be available as it will be done under general anaesthetic and would be stopped from driving for several weeks.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I'm holding AQ in my mind, OG!!

    Unknown said:

    Doesn't sound too good for your adventure down there when the new baby arrives!  Keep Calm and think of AQ with two at once!

  • Morning all:

    Diane: You win the plumbing prize! Sediment would have been my first thought if I were at my house, but the resident "expert" (aka daughter) immediately diagnosed multiple other reasons. So I just now went to investigate the kitchen faucet, unscrewed the entire handle and there was indeed a healthy amount of sediment in the screen, likely sent along the line with all the on/off interruptions in flow due to plumber working here yesterday.  It's now working normally.

    OG: As you see, problem was indeed associated with the work.  Do hope you can get away this week and that J's eye op will be scheduled for later.

    Heather:  So tired you could cry?  I know that feeling....  Take care and rest.  

    I missed something about somebody's upcoming trip and the need to keep calm?

  • ANNETTE - Fife trip isn't planned till Tuesday week (12th) as I am visiting Orthopaedic outpatients on 11th to try to find out what is happening in my knees - twice operated one is painful, other is creaking like crushed bubble-wrap!

     Other trip mentioned and associated with keeping calm is HEATHER going south to be with Sam and Bella when their mother has the new baby later this month.

    Been in garden but two showers so far - one at 3pm and one at 5pm.  No appreciable amount of rain, just enough to stop work. and accompanied by just one roll of thunder the second time.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG   Do hope your trip to Fife happens and that all goes well.

  • Diane and Annette - now I know who to call when I get a plumbing problem!! LOL! Well done, both of you!

    OG - Hope you get to have your break in Fife, and J can have his treatment after that.

    We had a tiny amount of drizzle this afternoon, but we still went out to a plant nursery to buy some bedding plants for the pots this summer. Then went on to a nearby mere (small lake) where it's good for dog walking: Bonnie had a great time meeting other dogs and trying to reach the ducks without going in for a swim. She did, however, get too eager and then fell in. After struggling out she soon picked up lots of loose dirt from the tracks which stuck to her wet fur. A good wash in the middle of our lawn on returning home! We saw lots of geese, moorhens and coots and sadly, a beautiful pair of swans who were closely guarding just one offspring. How they lost the others, I don't know, as they usually nest on one of two islands, safe from foxes etc.

    Edit: and the drizzle petered out. Our poor garden is now suffering, without rain for over a week. By the way, we think the magpies fledged from the nest in our apple tree when we were away. No sign of them now.

  • LINDA - that sounds a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon, even having to wash the dog! Good when you can do that job outside rather than in the bathroom.

    Expecting to all go to church in the morning tomorrow - rest of the day is just wait and see.  Could possibly treat the lawns if there is rain likely again in next few days.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!