Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 May 2018


I hope everyone has a great week!

White-Tailed Deer
U.S. National Park Service/R. Cammauf
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Bah!  -   just wrote three long paragraphs and then lost it by trying to post a photo!

    FB - Good that you had a happy family lunch. I was thinking of you today, and hoping you all enjoyed it. Hope life will be calmer now.

  • We have been spared the thunderstorms and heavy rain so far except for last Friday night.

    See that Telyn's first chick has hatched. Remember visiting that part of Lancashire when we holidayed near the Trough of Bowland and few years back, OG. Visited the village where there is a statue of one of them.

  • Thanks for all your news, folks.

    Have a good weekend and hope you don't get swamped.

  • Forestboar:  Had to smile at your mention of a "normal? life."  If you find out what that is, please let me know. :-)

    Seriously hectic day here. Lots of remodel-related phone calls and appointments, but progress was made.  On another front, satellite TV repair guy arrived early and sorted out why no TV for the last couple of days; then we lost water (the house is on a pump) in the kitchen, but all okay in other areas. No idea why.  Neighbor came over and said he thought a fuse on the tank was blown.  Pump folks are calling tomorrow early and may come by if the issue doesn't magically solve itself overnight (ha-ha)  Trouble is, everyone here gets SO upset when things go wrong (I mean, why would anyone expect things to "go right" all the time?)  To me, it's normal (Murphy's Law and all that) and we will survive to endure many, many more aggravations and inconveniences. And as my mother would say, "You can laugh or cry, so you may as well laugh."  :-))

    Does sound like odd weather there. Hope the air clears one way or another...

  • Good Morning, All. Dry and windless here - we'll see what the day brings.  Annette - there is no such thing as a normal life!! And as you say, no project ever went ahead without the odd glitch. Hope things take a turn for the better today!

    Off to get washed and dressed - my OH is threatening to come food shopping with me today so I expect it will all take twice as long as usual.....

  • Annette: Re: No water in the kitchen, but water available in the rest of the house.

    (1) Do you have sediment in the kitchen faucet aerator? Unscrew the aerator at the end of the faucet and see if it's full of tiny rocks. The water here in my area is full of sediment and will totally block a faucet, so aerators have to be cleaned really often.

    (2) An obstruction in the pump supply line to the kitchen?

    That's all I've got for suggestions. Hope everything improves.

  • FB - I do hope your family's life will be "normal" for a while now - glad the lunch was good.  Still no rain at all overnight - good thing OH watered the garden.  Thunderstorm forecast after lunch today - we shall see!

    ANNETTE - good to see that progress has been made on bathroom - and TV.  Could kitchen water be related to bathroom work?

    LINDA - same here - no breeze to lift the atmosphere - not good for a shopping trip, I would say.  Still can't apply lawn treatment - much too dry.  Will do odd jobs today.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Best regards to all - I've lost the plot but will catch up with you next week!

    Son and family went home yesterday. Painter has finished, joiner expected soon! I'm getting on with the after visitor washing etc, cleaning and tidying the house. Son scarified the front grass but no rain, so will put the oscillating spray on later today, after aerating, if I can find time!

    It was a busy week and I have been sooo tired at times! Sometimes so tired that I could have wept. A long time since that happened! Bella is lovely but hard work at times. The terrible twos... Fine when she is doing what she wants but all hell lets loose when she is required to do something that is not what she wants! Like eating her dinner....

  • Doesn't sound too good for your adventure down there when the new baby arrives!  Keep Calm and think of AQ with two at once!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG  my thoughts as well/. I too love poppies and peonies but their beauty doesn't last long enough.

    We are going on a Rhine cruise, starting in Amsterdam and finishing in Basel. Should be good.

    HEATHER Sorry to hear you are so exhausted. i am guessing it was worth it.