Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 May 2018


I hope everyone has a great week!

White-Tailed Deer
U.S. National Park Service/R. Cammauf
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • What a truly glorious morning. Benson has had his walk and we have done some gardening. OH put in some bedding plants and we have both done a bit of weeding. OH is off to work soon and will drop me off for a swim on the way.   After many months we can now look forward to our holiday NEXT MONTH.

  • LYNETTE   So sorry to hear about Misty. A very hard decision, but, has to be done.

  • Well, that is one friend back from her cruise. Do hope to see her tomorrow before her guests arrive on Monday. Hope to walk with another friend this afternoon. Haven't see her in ages, what with one thing or another.

    Loved "Springwatch last night, esp the wee film near the end featuring an author who had written about rain. It was beautiful.

  • Good morning.  J has a training day at work but first has to supervise the last remaining exam - just one senior pupil who had to go into school when all the others get the day off!  OH has been washing up but is now about to go to Tesco - I can't be bothered to go with him today.  Weather still dry and hot and sunny, but probably storms this afternoon/evening.  It was a very hot and humid night here - fan on, duvet off ….  I hope none of you are among the worst of the present weather.

    LINDA - pleased your Friend has things to occupy her while she waits for the consultant - will still seem a very long week for her.  It is the short blooming life which stops me having Poppies, but I do love  them - likewise paeonies.

    LYNNETTE - sorry you had to say goodbye to Misty, but it does sound as if the time had come, and both you and she had ben dealing with the problem for quite some time.

    AQ - sorry you had to deal with Little People at same time as a cold - and that it has gone onto your chest again.  Take care.

    ANNETTE - good to see the work is ahead of schedule!  I hope you got back to sleep okay.  OH said the Witches talk wasn't brilliant - I think maybe we are both so saturated in the Lancashire Witches history that there isn't much more to learn!  I think the late 16th century onwards was the period in question in Scotland, although I know James Sixth and First was big on hunting witches - so sad, some of them were just very gifted women.

    Am going to try to have a useful day today - even if it's only to do some tidying and filing!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Missed you, DIBNLIB.  Where are you going for your holiday?  That was early gardening for you this morning.  Enjoy the swim and time catching up with friends.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - I gather our weather is on its way up to you.  Hope you don't get what we have been having for the past few days - thunder rumbling around for about four days, some spectacular lightning, plenty of rain - and a complete deluge yesterday afternoon.  If anyone saw the pictures on the news last night of Haywards Heath - I live about eight miles away and we had much the same!  Fortunately I just managed to get home in time to watch the service road turn into a river from the safety of my lounge!

    Annette - builders ahead of schedule?  Wow!!  Hope everything continues to go smoothly.

    Hope everyone has a good day and that this 'interesting' weather improves for all of us.

  • PAT - we were gardening at the front after lunch - been there an hour when I said I could sense rain approaching.  Just got cleared up and OH fetched the sheets off the whirligig, and it started - I went back outside to enjoy the feel of refreshing rain - and it stopped!  So nothing dramatic that time, but forecast still says there will be more - probably with thunder and lightning from 8pm, although the air is still quite oppressive now.  Do we water the dry garden or not?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • We had the same, OG -- We did sit out after lunch and it was lovely, but later everything clouded over and it felt distinctly as if rain was imminent. After we got in the chairs and garden cushions, and removed the laundry, we waited for the downpour. And waited. Nothing! Although it did all go very dark, we never got the rain needed for the garden! 

    Just been out with the watering cans!

    Pat - that's a good description -  "interesting weather!"

    Spoke to sis in law and she was glad to say that the cough she's had for a very long time has final eased up, thank goodness.

  • LINDA - meant to say before, thanks for advice re sizing photos.  Didn't apparently do it right, but think I have worked out and alternative.  Will finally get around to it.  OH has had hosepipe out for an hour - if that isn't enough to make it rain, I don't know what is! The air is so oppressive again now - if we are to get it, I hope it is before we go to bed; I worry about my CPAP machine cutting out if we get power cuts in the night.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG: we are 1700ft above sea level and it is equally oppressive, unusually for us. Slowly melting! We all had a good and welcome family lunch and looking forward to a normal? life for a while.