DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Friday, 11 May 2018

We discussed yet again the possible causes of EJ's predicament - this time the eggs took the brunt.  We learned that EJ was drinking from a nearby puddle, so we know at least that she won't be dehydrated.

GJ called in for the second night running, landing on EJ's back for a quick paddle, standing for a moment, and leaving.

Other than that, I can't think what to say.

Our heroine, courtesy of Moffer:


EJ is calling and calling :'(


  • More 'crop dropping'

    As she changes position, she gets caught by the wind again

  • Unknown said:

    Morning everyone,

    Another reminder this morning that the world of wildlife watching is always a roller-coaster ride, with euphoria and wonder at one end of the scale and grief and despair at the other. What a sad day for the Loch Arkaig ospreys and just heart-breaking to watch on-line.

    I'd just like to clarify where we stand with regards EJ's predicament and the suggestions that maybe her eggs could be transferred to the Loch Arkaig nest.

    Jess, wiser people than me have validly expressed differing views on this matter in various forums & chats. All I will say is that the approach of RSPB is totally consistent with that taken in 2017 in relation to the plight of the chicks & that the RSPB opinion needs to be respected whether it is agreed with, not agreed with or if (like me) people are undecided on this issue. Ian
  • Jess - Thank you for your reasoned and sensible post.  However difficult situations are in the natural world, it is not our place to interfere.  It's so sad to watch the LG nest and what happened at LA with the pine marten - but it's nature which, as we all know, is red in tooth and claw.  And as has been pointed out, the loss of eggs at LA has meant food for growing kits.

    We are so privileged to have access to wonderful wildlife via webcams, but with that privilege comes the knowledge and reality of what has been happening away from our view since the beginning of time.  It is not up to us to interfere.  I have been watching, usually as a 'lurker' for three years now, and am just as emotionally involved as others here - but with a strong dose of reality.

    ... and I've probably now strayed away from DU ... sorry.

  • Hi Everyone Ian Just a thought what would stop the Pine Marten Taking the 2nd clutch ??? -----Sorry this should be on Osprey chat thread
  • trevor l said:
    Ian Just a thought what would stop the Pine Marten Taking the 2nd clutch ???
    Trevor, I am not advocating one course of action or inaction over another, your question appears to suggest that I am. Ian
  • trevor l said:
    Hi Everyone Ian Just a thought what would stop the Pine Marten Taking the 2nd clutch ??? -----Sorry this should be on Osprey chat thread

    That is an interesting point. Well just like in "Fistful of Dollars" there would be no point in raiding the Bank of Santa Fe because the money was not stored in the vault, here the eggs need not be stored on the nest. 

    Synthetic eggs could be used to to keep the birds incubating until a few days before hatching or even after hatching. Then the eggs or chicks could be transferred to the foster nest.

    The eggs could be safely hatched in an incubator. 

  • A few sweet little tweets... repeated.  (From the prone position.)