Link to last post on Manton Bay – April 2018 and link to Useful Links

Summary of the season so far:

Maya arrived back 12 March and Blue 33(11),on 14 March. The pair are currently incubating three eggs - #1 laid  28 March, #2 laid 31 March and #3 on 3 April.

Maya and 33 have incubated these eggs for 34 days now and in a few days we should see the first hatching of the season and another record broken!

  • I feel totally gutted logging on and seeing this.  What on earth could have happened?

    I was out most of the day but they all seemed fine midday.   I looked in around 18:00 and recall there was no fish and then next time I looked, around 18:10, Maya was standing with a fish.  

    I posted there was a lovely fish delivered and did notice the chicks were wide ie one each side of her - the chick on the right actually emerged from a bunch of hay - but I could not see the feed, nor all three chicks at once, as Maya had her back to us blocking the view.  

    I never watched the entire feed as I had to go out again.

    And now this .........

  • 33 has just arrived with a stick

    He then tries to settle beside Maya and a little nest scrape

    33 now standing along side Maya - very windy

  • Morning Karen, I just saw a snippet somewhere that something has happened to one of the chicks.  I can't believe it, I'll go and read back.