Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Prairie Dog
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • OG George had not been welcomed by all as they were calling him Junior.

    So I see he is now in their eyes JG...sits well with EJ :-)

  • Good Morning All.

    Bright sun here, but very very cold this morning: hard to get out of bed. I hope that Annette gets some sun in Lincolnshire, to warm her.

    I thought that Alexander would have been a good name for the young Prince, and I can't say that I feel "George" seems to fit the new young male osprey in EJs life! 

    We had chish and fips last night with a glass of white wine, in a nearby caravan site clubhouse: very good but not quite the same fish batter I remember from the chip shops of my youth!

  • Camera charged & ready, case packed with minimum. Only one pair of shoes & they’ll be on my feet. I’m hoping for a good sleep before tomorrow’s travels. See you all in May!

  • Have a great time, Aquilareen!  I look forward to seeing the photos, as always.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Ooh! AQ, you're off already! -- have a brilliant time!

  • I hope Limpy enjoyed Minsmere, Clare.

  • My sister is quite upset with the weather - constant rain yesterday, which didn't bother me - but she wanted it mostly nice for my visit. I reminded her that people don't typically go to the UK for the sun and that any day with her is a lovely day. :-) They had people here most of the time, installing new windows (in the rain) in the back of the house, which gets most of the "weather". Rather noisy, so we tootled off to Downtown in Grantham, sat on various chairs and recliners in the furniture department, commented on really lovely but dazzlingly pricey small kitchen appliances (a German company?), rummaged around the racks, then stopped at Belton House garden center on the way home for putter and cup of coffee.  

    Lindybird: We went out for fish and chips at The New Inn in Folkingham Thursday night (apparently that's the best night for that - fresh deliveries maybe?). Was very good and pleasant.

    AQ: Have a good trip!

    OG: Garden redo sounds nice; I saw all kinds of lovely plants at Belton yesterday that wouldn't survive a minute in California!

    Clare: How did Limpy do at Minsmere the other day?

    Diane: Hope your freelance project arrived and isn't too challenging!

    Niece is on her way up for the day, so should rouse myself and hose down.

    Take care everyone.

  • AQ - I hadn't realised you were going for more than the weekend - hope you are having a wonderful trip!

    LINDA - batter can be so variable and can make or break the whole Chish and Fips meal!

    ANNETTE - you didn't say whether you or Sister bought anything at Downtown - very restrained if you didn't!  I originally said I would never have conifers in this garden, but suddenly decided that the horizontal junipers would be good for ground cover and low maintenance!

    Looks like weather could change plans for today.  OH has already been out in the greenhouse planting the last three Tomato plants, but has now gone printing and to the bank - some problem closing an old account so he has to sign an extra form.  J is out for the day - in Dumfries first and then back to the local cinema in the afternoon (we are lucky that the town has a small 2 screen independent cinema.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Nice walk at Nairn beach with a friend and her daughters dog. Blue sky and sunshine so we were very lucky.

  • AQ: I've probably missed you, but have a WONDERFUL holiday!!!!!!!!!

    Everyone: I'll be back later to start the new thread.