Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Prairie Dog
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • My relative asked me to take him in. I have said 'no' and have spent an anxious night as you might image. His sister down South will have him, she says and she is much more able than I am to set limits. My children are quite sure, as am I, that agreeing to his request would be a big mistake. I hate to say this, but my gut feeling is that I am seen as the easy option -

  • Heather B said:

    My relative asked me to take him in. I have said 'no' and have spent an anxious night as you might image. His sister down South will have him, she says and she is much more able than I am to set limits. My children are quite sure, as am I, that agreeing to his request would be a big mistake. I hate to say this, but my gut feeling is that I am seen as the easy option -

    Well, your saying no to him might do something to change that.  It sounds like you've made the right choice here, especially as he apparently needs someone to set limits for him.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heather:  Doesn't sound like a problem you need. I'm with you, even more so as he has down-south family willing and able to take him in. Stand firm and don't feel guilty.

    Lndybird: Hope you remember to take that shopping list from the last visit - also that the weather is kind, if not generous.  :-)

    Sleep all screwed up this trip. Wide awake a 5 this morning, but nice to make coffee and watch birds, bunnies and squirrels hopping about in the garden.

  • Good morning, all.  It looks as if I didn’t post here yesterday; don’t know why.  We were quite busy – can’t remember what with, but did tick a few things in the diary.   I did go for my blood tests in the morning – no problems with that.  Tried out the satnav in the new car and found it very disconcerting that the map moves round as it progresses by turning – like someone who navigates by turning the map – but then, it is a female voice giving directions and they say it is typically women who need to turn the map upside down.  I never had to – seem to be blessed with good spatial awareness and sense of direction!

    Linda – my OH doesn’t have any medictions aeither.  How many pills do you take?  I have five regulars at breakfast plus anti-histamines and painkillers then and through the day, and then the weekly one the day after my injection.  I am not good at swallowing pills so it is always a complicated procedure – but I am fine doing the injection.  Thank you for the reminder that we need to get three more Tomato plants – will go to the gardening shop on the High Street as theirs were excellent last year.

    Lynette – sorry the cellulitis is persisting – I hope you can soon resume your exercise and swimming!  Maybe if you could persuade yourself to do some gardening, the fresh air and sunshine would help your skin recover.  I can’t do much – can’t stand for more than a few minutes – but have felt better for trying to help (still a lot to do as we are behind due to the erratic weather!).

    AQ – you sure started something with the toy-box pruning debate!  I was only speculating a few days ago about the amount of plastic in children’s toys these days!  I reckon every child could lose 50% and still not have time to play with everything they have.  I have never kept a box of toys here – it was always up to them to bring a few favourites when visiting.  GD in Law brought only about four things when Miri came – but she has such good concentration that they kept her occupied all day, and she spent a lot of time adding to her vocabulary by visually exploring the new surroundings here and at the restaurant.

    Dibnlib – you seem to have made good use of the trip to Lothian for your Cousin’s funeral.  Pleased to read that your Mum is more socially involved now that she has the company of her fellow-residents.  Sorry that others of your relatives are affected by that genetic illness – so hard to see it progressing and know what it might lead to.  Sorry also that your brother has the shingles so badly, hope he will recover soon.

    Heather – sorry about the problem in the family – hope the situation will settle with the current arrangement with his Sister – they should not be expecting anything of you, so don’t feel bad about it.

    Annette – strange to see you keeping UK hours and posting at different times!  Hope you had reasonable weather for some time out today – very pleasant here so far.

    My writing was interrupted by the arrival of the hairdresser – unusually a few minutes early.  This afternoon, we have the podiatrist coming – busy day.  I think OH is presently cleaning the bedroom – we get our hair cut in there and it gets everywhere.  Hoping to fit in some small garden jobs this afternoon and into the evening.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG   My cousins older daughter has been tested and it is unlikely she will get the illness.  The other daughter has said she will get the test in due course. My Aunt was originally told she had MS and it was only later and after Dawn was diagnosed that it was recognised as ALD,  I wonder if it is a bit like MS in that the younger it surfaces, the worse the outcome.  Dawn was in her 20s and her Mother and Sister were in their late 40s or 50s.

    Had a nice quiet  swim this morning then met with OH and the person he supports who were having brekkie at the new Tesco cafe.  They both had cooked at £4.29 and very good it was too.

    Thanks for everyones thoughts on  the death of my cousin and the funeral.. Very sad, but a relief.

    LINDY  Enjoy Wales, hope the weather is good.

  • Funerals are funny things - you do at least get a chance to catch up with people about what's going on in their lives. I was sorry at our recent family gathering to find that I'm a bit out of touch with some family members - rather disconcerting to find you've been "left out of the loop" for some, but then the distance has always been a problem for me. I was given some news of my errant brother, though, as others had heard from him at Christmas (I didn't). 

    Off out now....

  • OG - I only take two pills, one for acid reflux and more recently, a blood pressure pill. They want me to go on statins as a preventative, but I've not decided yet.

    EDIT: I can take any pills, any size - I used to have some so big I called them "horse pills"  LOL!!

  • OG: I understand what you're saying about the SatNav - my nephew's new car has the same thing and I found it intriguing to watch the angle shift back and forth as if you're flying toward the destination.  I don't use it at home (well, don't actually  have it in either of the cars).  I do use Googlle Maps though (which talks to me through my iPhone) when I'm not sure where I'm going and don't need to cause an accident while I peer at any kind of map. Weather pretty good here today - some showers and now clouding over more completely.  We took a ride to Newark to the rececntly opened Civil War Museum, which is small, but very nicely put together.

    dibnlib: Gosh, cousin's older daughter must be relieved, but I imagine that kind of thing could skip a generation.  Hope not.

    Off to help sister organize dinner.  Must say, they don't seem to be quite ready to start sorting through their stuff and packing anything....  House isn't on the market yet, I think they're going to wait until May.....  

    Take care all.

  • ANNETTE - the museum sounds interesting, but I don't know whether we shall ever go that far south again - we might, if they ever get around to finishing the new Sherwood Forest Centre!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!