DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Monday, 16 April 2018

Yesterday our day started with confused reporting (by whom, I wonder? ;) ) of "new new" males on the nest.

See BirdieNumNum's analysis posted late last night - as we had all concluded, eventually, it was just our regular New Male looking different in various lights and at various angles.

A female landed!  See Moffer's snaps.  There's a video below them if you've got time.  Speculation ensued as to whether it could have been CT6 :o

Talking of females, Sheila updated us with some fascinating and welcome info about "08" - it turns out that 08 was DB - probably BlueDB(10), who is none other than a daughter of BlueXD and GreenJ.  And she looks so like EJ :)

Isn't wasn't until evening, tho, that the main event of the day occurred:

EJ landed !!! ... announced by Moffer with Hello Sweetie ;)

She was very alert to unwelcome company in the area, and soon after the first visit she returned to defend ~vs~ an unseen intruder and was pursued as she flew off.  Needless to say, she looked absolutely gorgeous !!!



The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter ;) - any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread.  Thank you!