DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Monday, 16 April 2018

Yesterday our day started with confused reporting (by whom, I wonder? ;) ) of "new new" males on the nest.

See BirdieNumNum's analysis posted late last night - as we had all concluded, eventually, it was just our regular New Male looking different in various lights and at various angles.

A female landed!  See Moffer's snaps.  There's a video below them if you've got time.  Speculation ensued as to whether it could have been CT6 :o

Talking of females, Sheila updated us with some fascinating and welcome info about "08" - it turns out that 08 was DB - probably BlueDB(10), who is none other than a daughter of BlueXD and GreenJ.  And she looks so like EJ :)

Isn't wasn't until evening, tho, that the main event of the day occurred:

EJ landed !!! ... announced by Moffer with Hello Sweetie ;)

She was very alert to unwelcome company in the area, and soon after the first visit she returned to defend ~vs~ an unseen intruder and was pursued as she flew off.  Needless to say, she looked absolutely gorgeous !!!



The Daily Update is for recording nest events only, allowing for banter ;) - any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread.  Thank you!



  • Thanks for starting the new DU, scylla. Brilliant opening as usual. I wonder if today will bring us excitement like yesterday. Overjoyed to see EJ visit her nest, and hope to see a lot more of her tomorrow. One thing does confuse me though. If EJ doesn't fancy the new male ("Newman"), then why doesn't she just chase him? I mean being a female Osprey she's bigger. Hopefully the whole EJ and suitable male Osprey on the Loch Garten Nest scenario develops soon.

    ENS just now, with only the gentle rumble of a generator.

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • I was just thinking about you while I was getting coffee #2, Paul Heron ;) 

    You, and CC... not that I would ever digress on here, but I do hope CC and her friends are well :-*


  • Some queries and bewilderments expressed by DUers yesterday:

    Karen W said:
    Is there any news about the roaming cam yet?

    scylla said:
    Not that I know of, Karen.  Also, there's been no news on the restoration of the nestcam to 16:9 size :(
    Karen B said:
    Has there been any info from LG about the lack of sound? I so miss hearing the sounds from around the nest and it was always an immediate alert that something was happening at the nest...
    Unknown said:

    How lovely it would be to have a daily update from LG like we do from the Dyfi.  Not asking for a long blog, just a little update so that we have some idea of what is going on - what ospreys have been seen and if they know where dear EJ is. We look at an empty nest most of the time with no roving camera.

    JenniferWestern's wish for brief updates is one that has not been responded to for some years, I remember "suggesting" in Richard Thaxton's time.

    Is there somewhere we can raise these points?  There seems to be no central control that could address different aspects of LG coverage.


  • EJ on nest.

    She's flapped as if someone's out there, not sure if she was welcoming or deterring.  No-one seen.


  • Good Morning SCYLLA, and all who follow

    Thank you for your opening post Scylla. 

    So lovely to see EJ arrive on her nest this morning. 

    WARNING: A Caps fest is about to ensue :-) 

    She is moving this twiggy stick around

    Thank You for gracing us with your presence EJ, it is so LOVERLY to see you LOL....

  • Good morning, MARY :)

    MaryGK said:
    A Caps fest is about to ensue

    Oh goodie! ;)

    I'm still stretching...

    I do think that there's someone out there and she's not being forbidding.


  • Furiously flapping, someone's on the way...  Can't see anyone!  Nor hardly hear a thing !!!


  • "Intruder" flew over, EJ repelled.

    I have strictly rationed these snaps - am sure there will be more frame-by-frames later, with great detail :)