Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

Clare: I'm so very sorry about Limpy's diagnosis.

Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Heather: What were Amy's parents hoping for I wonder.  Newborns should come with a warning about parental expectations (which should then be renewed every decade or so...)   :-)  Interesting though that Spanish had been a strong suggestion. Here, it's definitely a necessary skill in many professions, but in Scotland?  I'd've thought German would be the best option.. Good luck with the tomatoes.

    OG: Did you ever hear anything about how the wedding went?

    Lindybird: Hope you're over the worst.

    PatO: A new improved cough?  Oh dear.  :-)

  • ANNETTE - reports were that Grandson and his Bride had a wonderful day - and nothing spoiled it for them.  His mother did attend - just the church - and even joined in some photos, including two with his Father - standing well away from him!  And she said her Sister spoke to her, but I don't know what they said to each other.  Neither of them are making contact with me at the moment!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • My OH spent an hour and a half at the allotment this morning, then came back to collect a med form so he could go and give a blood sample. Then he mowed the lawn. Then he said he felt whacked!  But after a coffee, he was outside again, digging up a small conifer tree we'd decided to scrap. Then he dug out a dead shrub and dragged all the debris round to the front of the house where we keep the bins. I made him sit down for an hour before lunch!

    This afternoon, he took Bonnie out then helped me put out some tiny violas in the tubs by the front door.  He admitted that he now feels as if he's got a temperature: we've both been hot and cold, and had strangely churning stomachs --- this head cold is the weirdest I've ever had.

    Edit:  I've done very little today and tried to have 40 winks after lunch.  It's frustrating when things need doing, but maybe I'll be better tomorrow.

  • Heather - I hope Amy gets to decide for herself, and enjoy whatever she does. It's a hard time all round, when parents expectations are different.

  • What?! Thursday already? How time passes when having fun! Not. I declined nanny duty as it is school holidays. We’ve had the plumber to fix leaking taps. He got carried away suggesting many other improvements costing arms & legs. Second plumber came yesterday to finish the required leaking taps. The overlarge shrub that OH decided needed removing, has had a reprieve after a serious prune. It will take a few weeks of green bin collection to clear the pile of branches. I’m not sure what is going on, summer just won’t let go, expecting 29 again today. At least nights are cool.


    Annette – I hope you have a grand time travelling. Not too much work for sister – lots of coffee & chat breaks. Of course I expect a detailed review of your cross-country return!!!


    I hope ALL with colds & snuffles are feeling better.

  • Unknown said:

    Ha-ha. Like the bit about OG having a work ethic but it's EE who does the work.

    I've had lots of close encounters with birds this week: I was repairing some chimes in the garden this morning and was holding them up to a hook when a bird suddenly landed on my forearm!  It didn't seem to notice me and sat there a few seconds, then hopped up to the back of my hand and took off. Earlier I was cleaning out the fountain and two fat little birds (babies?)landed on the side of the top bowl, not two feet away from me. One was apparently interested in getting a drink, but the water was too low. They flew off, then, when I was filling up the fountain with the hose, one came back and sat on the edge near the spray. Then there was the hummingbird that came within - I swear - 6 inches of my face while I was eating berries and yogurt the other day.  I didn't move a muscle and it hovered on my left side, moved around to my front, then went back to the side before taking off. I think he was attracted to the red of the berries, because this morning another one (or maybe the same one!) hovered right outside the patio window near the side table where OH had his red coffee cup.

    Annette: What a WONDERFUL sequence of experiences you had!!! I am envious. That's astonishing that the little bird landed right on your arm. The hummingbird encounter is very special. You'll remember that day always. I hope you have a safe trip and wonderful visit with your sister. 

  • Lindy and Pat: I hope you both feel 100% better very soon. 

    Hello to everyone!

  • Hallo all:  I'm pretty well organized for the trip and now just trying to figure out the number of tops and socks I should take (I always take too many of the former and not enough of the "right" socks). Oh well...

    Diane: I figured that bird must've mistaken me for a tree.

    AQ: Stay tuned (no guarantees though).

    OG: Nice that everyone behaved themselves at the wedding. Hope lack of contact with daughters is due to their busy schedules.

    Have a good Thursday all.

  • Hope everyone who is ill regains their health quickly.

    What on earth is EJ up to???

  • Good Morning.  Sunshine here, hooray!

    Had a good night, so hope not to be banging on about my health today!  My OH has gone off to golf in his shorts!!!

    Dibnlib: EJ seems determined to flummox us all this year.

    Annette: Good luck with the packing - don't forget to take some shoes!! ;-)