Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 April 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

Clare: I'm so very sorry about Limpy's diagnosis.

Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good Morning. Very breezy here. 

    Annette - Didn't know what a debate I was starting with the story of the gilet! - I was going to write "bodywarmer" at the time but it was a longer word and I was in a hurry!  I have several, some more bulky than others. My OH likes them for the golf days because it keeps your chest warm but your arms free.  I remember that you mentioned the hawk before.

    OG - I think the farmers try to stagger the births of the lambs - we saw them in all sizes! No photos this time as I had the camera with us but didn't take a single picture all weekend.

    Went to bed feeling cold last night and this morning I'm shivering, so guess I've got a temperature.

  • Wet, dark and dreary here – definitely a day to catch up on cleaning indoors!

    Annette – pleased you have a “down thingy” – suggest you pack it and other warm clothes for your trip!  Sounds a reasonable explanation by your OH about the Hawk activity – so have to glad babies got a meal!

    Linda – keep warm and drink plenty and wash that cold away soon – take care!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thanks, OG.  I decided against going out today for supplies:  my OH is going to fetch some milk and bread when he returns. Just been outside to refill the peanut feeder and there was a chilly gusty wind. Rushed back in again, quick!

    Heather:  Glad to hear that all went so well for the party. How lovely to have all the family round.

    Off to check the one thousand emails I expect I have waiting.........

  • Hope you feel better soon, LINDY.

    Quite a nice day here so far, just a brief shower. I started some garden work but then lost enthusiasm. I definitely don't have your work ethic, OG! Wish that I did....

  • HEATHER - OK for me to have a work ethic, but it's actually OH who does the work, I just make sure it all happens when it should;  Although, when I could work, I always preferred outside work to housework!

    Siskins have joined the Goldfinches on at least 50% of their visits - they came yesterday but I thought it might be random appearances en route elsewhere, but they are definitely "ours"!  Rain has stopped, but we may get showers, and LINDA is right about the cool gusty wind.  I put my head out to admire the tall Daffodils - some with deep orange middles - and popped it back in quick!  The taller tulips are getting blown about a bit, but lovely to have their assorted spring colours.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Ha-ha. Like the bit about OG having a work ethic but it's EE who does the work.

    I've had lots of close encounters with birds this week: I was repairing some chimes in the garden this morning and was holding them up to a hook when a bird suddenly landed on my forearm!  It didn't seem to notice me and sat there a few seconds, then hopped up to the back of my hand and took off. Earlier I was cleaning out the fountain and two fat little birds (babies?)landed on the side of the top bowl, not two feet away from me. One was apparently interested in getting a drink, but the water was too low. They flew off, then, when I was filling up the fountain with the hose, one came back and sat on the edge near the spray. Then there was the hummingbird that came within - I swear - 6 inches of my face while I was eating berries and yogurt the other day.  I didn't move a muscle and it hovered on my left side, moved around to my front, then went back to the side before taking off. I think he was attracted to the red of the berries, because this morning another one (or maybe the same one!) hovered right outside the patio window near the side table where OH had his red coffee cup.

    Lindybird: Get better please.  Re gilets, "bodywarmer" came to mind too...

    OG: I'm taking layers, the top one of which will be waterproof.

  • Best way to dress, here, Annette! ;-)

    Good Morning, Everyone. Drizzling here and not particularly warm, but it's supposed to brighten up later & we'll get the promised warmth.

    My cold is taking its course - yesterday I tried to doze, surrounded by a sea of tissues and waking myself up coughing. Cooked some chicken with plain boiled spuds which went down well, then went to bed early. I should improve now....

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • I see the wonderful Barbara Bush has now died - I saw the news of her illness which she bore bravely. R.I.P.

  • Unknown said:
    I've had lots of close encounters with birds this week: I was repairing some chimes in the garden this morning and was holding them up to a hook when a bird suddenly landed on my forearm!  It didn't seem to notice me and sat there a few seconds, then hopped up to the back of my hand and took off. Earlier I was cleaning out the fountain and two fat little birds (babies?)landed on the side of the top bowl, not two feet away from me. One was apparently interested in getting a drink, but the water was too low. They flew off, then, when I was filling up the fountain with the hose, one came back and sat on the edge near the spray. Then there was the hummingbird that came within - I swear - 6 inches of my face while I was eating berries and yogurt the other day.  I didn't move a muscle and it hovered on my left side, moved around to my front, then went back to the side before taking off. I think he was attracted to the red of the berries, because this morning another one (or maybe the same one!) hovered right outside the patio window near the side table where OH had his red coffee cup.

    Wow.  Going slightly green here!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:
    My cold is taking its course - yesterday I tried to doze, surrounded by a sea of tissues and waking myself up coughing.

    Ouch.  You're very good at painting a picture with words!

    Lindybird said:
    Cooked some chicken with plain boiled spuds which went down well, then went to bed early. I should improve now....

    I really hope so.  Take care.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.