Indeed, we have expecting company other than the white-tailed eagle that EJ successfully saw off. But instead of a Potential Prince, we had a female trying for the prime real estate. by Moffer
EJ saw her off. Scylla's videos here and here and here despite clutching a fish in her talons. Events begin with posts on this page with scylla's post.
Up to now, the ID is unknown except that it seems to be a female, and the left legged blue ring looks like it says 08. Hypotheses abound. Left legged blue rings are Scotland, while right legged blue rings are English or Welsh. And sometimes there are duplications, and not all rings are recorded to be shared publicly, as the system involves volunteers and is not strictly organized.
OH and I forgot that last night the pine marten took a toilet break on EJ's nest again. >:-( by Moffer_______________________________________The Daily Update thread is for recording nest events only—any questions or conversations can happen on the Osprey Chat thread. Thank you!
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Cam is back up ENS. Looks like it's snowing.
This is the last post on the Osprey Chat Thread for April
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
My cam is back but it's still 4:3 :(((((
CRinger said:do you think we should now make any further comments about PMs on the chat thread for April?
I think it's all been said now, Cringer ;) I would only add that, as far as the Pine Marten is concerned, it is EJ who is the intruder!
Cam is back up again, ENS and snowing!
I'm off now, I hope it stops snowing soon, and tomorrow sees a bright and cheerful day for us all!
Edit: my screen looks OK??
SheilaFE said:Edit: my screen looks OK??
Too late now, you're gone, but which site are you watching on, Sheila?
This is VLC without the stretch 16:9 setting:
And my recording screen is the same :(
Had to come back! When the cam went down I rang Peter, and had to leave a message. I then emailed. He later phoned me, by which time the cam was up and running, so it wasn't my intervention which resolved it! However, he did say they had lifted the mast which holds what we call treecam, or dead treecam, so we may get other views. On the other hand it might just feed thru to the VC, I'm not sure! But that was why we were off line.
Scylla, I was on this Carnyx link. But you may be OK by now! I hope so.
It has been a 3:4 ratio for me stubbornly as well.
And now since this afternoon i am not getting any stream or image at all. Just a never-ending wheel-turning loading symbol. Which gives up at some point.
I am feeling lonely, meh.
Maybe tomorrow all will be well?.... night night.
2016: first time in history an Osprey nested in the NL. 2018: 2 active nests! 2019 a storm interferes. 2020: a third active nest in a tree!
20.38 approx Night cam on
It's still snowing now :-(
ENS. Snowing gently.