• Regarding naming Blue 3J, I have no preference either way and I understand why some centres do not name their Ospreys while others do.  However, naming Ospreys does make them more accessible for some people, especially children.  Just a thought (and I realise the contingent against naming will probably not approve, sorry!)--how about treating 3J like a thoroughbred animal and giving her a multi-name official moniker suitable for such royalty while only using one name or a shortened version of one name for chat and threads?  Please don't panic but read on!  All three names should begin with the 'J' sound, one Welsh, one English and one Senegalese, the three names to mark her heritage, her present nest and mate and her possible connection with west Africa with thanks for the financial and inspirational contribution to the DOP from the wonderful duo who gave the concert in the 360 on Friday.  

    Kind regards, Ann

  • ANN - I have booked my visit to Wales the first week of July. Normally visit Dyfi - Glaslyn and Llyn Clywedog. Don't know ON4 in Snowdonia.

    Will you be on duty that week.

    I will need to look at ChloeB Count Up Clocks to estimate the status of the nest that week.

  • Keith, I'll PM you re: our schedule.

    Kind regards, Ann

  •                       with a predicted low of 31F it looks like another sub-zero night for EJ.

  •  A "memory" on facebook of my capture & remarks from 2 years ago.

  •   2 shots of EJ taken sometime after 5 am.  She was calling back & forth with another osprey.  I waited for a while, hoping for George to fly in, but he didn't so I switched to Manton Bay, with EJ still calling.

  •   I've been osprey watching for 10 years and this is the coziest I've ever seen an osprey pair.  They were snuggled together in the position in the top picture when I tuned in and remained that way for some time.  Then the osprey in front shifted to the position in the bottom capture. The one in back paid no attention at all to the movement.

  •              I arrived back at LG just in time to see a second osprey (George, I assume) spread his wings and watch him fly off into the distance.

  • FIRST OF MAY is the day I will declare any resident osprey that has not returned will not be returning so Bid Farewell to some well followed ospreys including a few we followed in 2017.

    Blue 12 (GLESNI) at DOP

    WHITE KL at Bassenthwaite 

    Kielder 3 Male

    If you click on the link below it will sing you 1st MAY and in the words where we bid farewell to some ospreys the words say someone else moved in from  from far away.

  • June, The cosy pair at Manton Bay is all down to the male, Blue 33, who has done this cuddling up to Maya from the beginning of the pairing in 2014.  It always makes me smile.  Maya seems not to mind, but it is always 33 who settles down next to her.  He ended up being the only chick in his natal nest after intruders caused havoc which has made me wonder if this cuddling behaviour is a throwback to his cuddling up to his Mum when he became a singleton--awwwwww!  I also think that he became the strong Osprey that he is simply because he got all the benefit of the attention and food from both parents--because he was an only chick!  Speculation, of course, but I like the idea.

    Kind regards, Ann