WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, MARCH 25 2018

  • OG - A very happy birthday to you.  Better to have those wishes twice than not at all!  Hope you have a lovely day.

  • OG- Wishing you a very happy birthday!

    Regards to all-

  • Thanks for all good wishes!

    Had three cards already arrived by post, then three more at the breakfast table - from daughter#2 left here in February, J and OH - all three identical!  Also a watch, a book and a box of Lindor!  The watch will need to be exchanged as my wrists are too swollen for wrist watch straps - already got a pin-on watch so hope to choose something different; book and chocs were as requested from Son and OH.  

    OH about to go print newsletters at church, with a bit of High Street shopping.

    Drier here today, but cool and not very bright.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I've been catching up with my photos a bit - click on this wood pigeon to see what I managed to snap at Minsmere last week:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hope that you get a nice substitute for the watch, OG.

    ROSY- I'm so sorry that your family problems appear not to be resolved as yet.

    LINDY- I've read and enjoyed all your updates and photos! I keep imagining your OH dashing from one job to another and then falling in to his armchair! It isn't too hard to imagine though, as you know, I was married to one of 'them' !!

    DIANE- good idea to work in spurts and take plenty of breaks. Take care.

    ANNETTE- sorry no whales but the garden must be happy. Hope that you've sorted out the all singing all dancing new laptop! The family dinner tomorrow will be a much smaller affair - youngest daughter has 'flu and feels awful, eldest son in law has some sort of tummy bug. So at present it is middle daughter, Callum and I, don't know if eldest daughter and Katie will come if there is sickness in their house. Huge leg of lamb in the fridge!! I thought of freezing it and buying a smaller joint but middle daughter jumped in quickly and said she would take the leftovers and make a curry or something. Never one to miss an opportunity :-)

    Inverness has a bad outbreak of norovirus at the moment - four wards closed at our main hospital. There is also a nasty throat infection doing the rounds. I feel like wearing a surgical mask and rubber gloves when out and about!

  • Just a quick pop in OG: Happy birthday! dry here and overcast  for the afternoon. Heavy rain forecast Late Sunday pm through to middayish Monday.

  • OG   Sorry I sent birthday wishes a day early.

    For those of you on facebook you might like to see this lovely story about  a friend at the library and a bee. Type in Culloden Library and scan. The story is near the top.

  • DIBNLIB - what a lovely story, indeed. It wouldn't come up when I typed it on FB search but I got it by googling 'Highland Council Culloden Library'.

  • Awwwww!  What a beautiful story.  For anyone not on Facebook there's a link to it here.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks for the link, Clare. Although I'm on Facebook, I'm too busy to look!

    A great story, Dibnlib.