Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 March 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Hope EE had a great birthday!

Grizzly Bear
U.S. National Park Service, NPS Photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Unknown said:
    Sometimes I think we should just let the machines take over and lead us

    But what kind of complete armhole might programme them?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning.  Sunny here, now that I've finally woken! Hope everyone has a good day, soon be the weekend again.

    Clare, the party (of hundreds of relieved UK citizens) will be held in the 02 Arena, and will consist of champagne, singing and dancing!!

    Don't think having machines doing the leading would improve man's chances of survival in these troubled times - they'd probably throw us all out with the rubbish as beyond hope!!

  • Today's pic:

    "Mmnn - tastes of ice cream!"

  • LINDY   Is that a Newfie pup, do you think????

    I can hear your sigh or relief from here!!!!

  • Looks like one, doesn't it?, Dibnlib.

  • LINDA - great news about Awful Cousin - I wonder how this year's lucky hosts are feeling?

    HEATHER - have we had a post from you since the day you were feeling below par?  I hope you are okay.

    All feels a bit strange getting ready to leave in the afternoon instead of early morning!  Everything in bags etc - soon be putting it all in the car - only two nights, but my equipment is needed however short or long the trip, and this is the first time working out where it goes in this vehicle!

    Have a good Weekend, everyone!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG  Yes, I think that I posted! Maybe two days ago? Sorry, senior moment....

    Have a good journey, enjoy the wedding!

  • Morning all:  Lovely clear sunny mornng after days of steady rain but no calamities for Montecito folks who are now back home - again!   Garden can't believe its good fortune and weeds sprouting as I type.

    Lindybird: A clear horizon in terms of Awful Cousin - now you can all breathe easy.  Per OG's comment, I was also thinking there must be family members elsewhere who are groaning.....        I'm also horrified at the plastic mess; I remember in the movie The Graduate, Katherine Ross's "father" taking Dustin Hoffman aside and telling him "plastic" was the future.  :-(   We need a fleet of environmentalists to go out and scoop it up and send it to - oh - Vladimir. "They" are now (or just have) banned plastic straws - in San Francisco I think. .  Love the pic: Now that's a pup I could adopt in a heartbeat.

    Lynette: I feel for you, having to miss the pool for so long. I hate not being able to keep to an active routine.

    dibnlib: Souds like a lovely couple of days away.

    Clare:  Armhole!  :-))  We've just acquired two more in the White House.

    OG:  Assume you've gone by now. Will be interested to get update on car and event when you're back.

    Off to Tai Chi (creak, creak) this morning, then to Gray Whale count.  Saw that more than 100 whales beached themselves along Oz's coast.

    Is the LG cam down? Was working last night. Will try again later....

  • LG working on other cameras. Power off to all.

  • Hope all goes well, OG, and you enjoy yourselves (although I expect you've already left).

    The sun went in and we had a rather grey morning, in the end. I drove into the town on errands and thankfully, hesitated at a junction when someone signalled that they were driving left, when in fact they drove straight on-- how I guessed that they were doing the wrong thing I don't know, but at least I saved my car Ruby from being dented!  

    Got my photos processed onto a disc, so now I can bore everyone with my holidays.....