Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 March 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Hope EE had a great birthday!

Grizzly Bear
U.S. National Park Service, NPS Photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Diane - you reminded me of the last time I renewed my driving licence online.  Very straightforward, until I got to the question, 'Do you normally wear glasses for driving?'  I ticked 'no'.  The response came back, 'Last time you said you wore glasses for driving.  Are you sure?'  I had my cataracts done in between and no longer wear glasses.  Good to know these voiceless forms are on the ball enough to query things!

    Annette - hope you get to grips with the new computer quickly.  I think I'll need to upgrade soon, and I'm dreading it ...

    Lindy - welcome home!

    OG - hope everything goes smoothly in your journeys and the weekend, and that the family remains an oasis of calm.  

  • Pat O: Yup. Sometimes I think we should just let the machines take over and lead us -- especially when I look at my government. LOL

  • PatO: New computer behaving - at least for now.

    Diane: No, no - not condescending at all. I think I must've been too dingy to concentrate because when you mentioned the options I thought, "Of course!!" Duh. No longer squinting at new computer, but still transitioning from the old one, which OH has his eye on if only to surf the net while watching TV  (he's got a big ole desktop).  Of course, have now realized that printer is "old" as when I was in AZ, noticed that daughter can print stuff from her iphone.  My HP is about 10 years old...  How can anything be "old" in only 10 years....   Agree that any device with Artificial Intelligence would do a smarter job of running the country that You Know Who.  :-)

  • Back this afternoon from a 3 night break in Pitlochry.  We had a fabulous time, with Mon and Tuesday giving us blue sky and sunshine.  We ate well, walked a lot and enjoyed conversations with other guests in front of a glowing log fire.  I see EJ is back now and wonder what the next few months hold for her.

  • Pleased to see you had such a good time away, DIBLIB, and even the weather was kind to you!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hey, Dibnlib, you chose the right couple or three days !  Sounds like a lovely, relaxing time.

    Annette - I think we all struggle with tech stuff, except for Diane! Agree that arguments at home can start over the smallest things, and seem ridiculous afterwards ;-) 

    OG - Hope your packing  for the weekend is going well. Also hope the weather is good for both yourselves and the happy couple. And that it all goes off without any spats!

  • Been doing the usual things, feeding the w.machine and popping to the shops for restocking of the fridge. Also been on the phone a great deal, with various members of family. 

    Sis-in-law, who picked us up from the airport last night, rang today to say that she'd had a call from Awful Cousin.  Who said that she'll be giving us a miss this year!!!!!!  Wow!

  • Thanks for all your news. Great that EJ is back.

    Not a lot happening down here - leg has almost healed but staying away from the gym till the end of April to make sure that all is healed.  Can't wait to get back to swimming though.

    Dibnlib - glad you had a great time in Pitlochry.  Have an old school friend who lives in Glenrothes - they go up to Pitlochry quite regularly and always enjoy their break.

    Lindybird - I expect you are all relieved re Awful Cousin. Breathe again.

  • Yes, letting out deep breaths, Lynette!!  

    I went to Pitlochry many years ago with my parents, and loved it.  

    Horrified to see, on BBC News, how big the collection of mostly plastic rubbish has become in the ocean off the coast of California. What have we done? This pollution could have catastrophic effects on us all in years to come.

  • Lindybird said:
    Sis-in-law, who picked us up from the airport last night, rang today to say that she'd had a call from Awful Cousin.  Who said that she'll be giving us a miss this year!!!!!!  Wow!

    Fantastic news!  When's the party?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.