Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

Barrows Goldeneye

U.S. National Park Service Photo
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • It's brilliant.  I read about Dolly Parton a few years ago - if she was British, she would be a Dame by now!

  • Just been out to feed the birds!!!  :-0 :-0

  • Weather update: J not going to Manchester for his Christies clinics tomorrow - no trains to get down there this evening!  he and OH are preparing to walk out to Tesco this morning for milk and a few other things - glad OH isn't going on his own.  Schools and roads closed - no bin collections, no mobile libraries, no buses ... .  Birds still tucking in - waiting for Waggie to burst, he is eating so much, and very aggressive with it, he challenges every other bird in sight!

    Everyone take care - BBL

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Went into the town, by car, for my hairdressers appointment. People I met in the street were congratulating each other on their bravery for venturing out. It's supposed to have a "feel like" temperature of minus 13 deg. today! It's certainly very very cold.

    Got my hair cut, in a place with the cold wind whistling under the door, then went to pick up more eggs & milk. Now I've had my lunch, I'm off out again to the cinema!

    Keep warm Everyone (except our friends in Down Under!)

  • We have been lucky enough to have had a few days of wonderful sunshine and blue sky,   if a tad on the cold side.   Enjoyed a trip to Brodie this morning, walked Benson, had coffee and cake and I found a lovely top for our hols, ditto OH and I also got something for his birthday on 1st of July.

    We were at Eden Court last night and saw a live screen performance of "The Winters Tale." It was excellent.

  • J phoned the Christie and they were most surprised that he can't get there - hardly any snow, they said.  Meanwhile, A75 is closed near here due to accidents in a white out.  Anyway, his replacement appointment is in May - good thing if it stays a summer date now!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry for all those who are having problems in this weather.

  • We have had only a couple of brief flurries today, although it's still bitterly cold.  The really bad weather seems to have moved further west, and of course Scotland an northern England, which are also getting a great deal of weather.  My thoughts are with all those struggling with these unique conditions.  Please, everyone, stay indoors, stay warm and stay safe.

  • We have had loads of snow but to be expected but not the horrendous weather others have had..

    Youngest stranded at her school for autistic children after a 12 hour shift night shift can’t get in so many are staying on. She is on shift again in the morning . I do hope the company that runs the school appreciate this..probably not though