Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

Barrows Goldeneye

U.S. National Park Service Photo
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Annette: I'm so very sorry about Lightning. You did the right thing, and I'm not just saying that to be consoling. I wish I could do or say something to ease your pain. You can call me if you need to talk. Sending you strength. 

  • Thanks for starting us off Diane - and thanks to you and everyone for kind comments. I must say the corner of the patio that was Lightning's looks awfully bare since OH tidied everything away today. I'll be taking most of her stuff to the cat rescue place on the other side of the freeway early in the week.  It's helped to have an old friend from LA (now living in Kansas City) here for a couple of days - a good distraction and lots of catching up to do.

    Have a good Sunday all.

  • Good Morning, on this cold day in the UK and facing an even colder week this week to come. Thanks to Diane for starting us off again nicely.

    We spent yesterday going through holiday offers, and having a meeting with our travel agent about the strange situation of our cancelled cruise: he says it's never been known before. We are going to complain strongly, and let Royal Caribbean know that we don't think much of their behavior! I wore myself out looking at alternatives, including holidays on land, but nothing has been decided. Last night my OH went to the Golf Society Presentation Night without me as I couldn't face going out, and I curled up by the fire instead.

  • Today's pic:

    "Life with my brothers is exhausting!"

  • Good morning all. Thanks DIANE!

    LINDY it won't make you feel any better but cruises have been cancelled before when someone has chartered the whole ship. If you Google it you will see:-( Given how many cruises there are, I'm sure that it is, though, a rare occurrence.

    It is a beautiful sunny day here, temp was -6 outside when I went downstairs to make coffee.

    Youngest family popped in for lunch yesterday - the sort of entertaining I like, they brought filled baguettes with them! So today, no visitors that I know of. I'm all talked out (YES, really!) after son's visit and  then chatting with the family yesterday. Strange but true!

  • Well the Scottish team excelled themselves.

    Wonderful day here so we had a great walk at the canal. Think everyone else had the same idea. Room for us all.

  • Dibnlib: Hmmm. Currently -5.2 and falling at -0.7/hr


  • Currently 15.3 C and rising (to expected 28) at 8.36 am.

  • Very different for all of us, then!

    Heather, I meant to come on today with my OHs potato cake recipe, but we've had a busy day. Maybe if I've time tomorrow....

    I must get some shut eye now. Hope that OG and EE have enjoyed their family party this weekend.

  • Hi all, Thanks to Diane for starting us off again, thanks for news so far.

    Lindybird - hopefully something will come to light soon and your holiday will be --- go, go, go.   Do hope so.

    Not feeling on top of the world. I have a bad bout of Cellulitis again. Saw the doctor last Wednesday and she put me on a course of antibiotics but to come back if it doesn't seem to be clearing up. Just to have the last tab on day 5 and no signs of improvement so am going to try and get in to see someone again tomorrow.  Was talk last week that I might have to go into hospital for intravenous antibiotics !!  It really is red and so taut the skin and feeling as though it is being squeezed. Reasonable OK when resting but need to be careful I don't nick anything otherwise it could turn nasty. Very frustrating but tomorrow is another day.  Rant over.

    Not sure what its doing outside here, will find out in the morning. Not much snow is predicted here but who knows.