Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

Barrows Goldeneye

U.S. National Park Service Photo
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • I've just read this blog from Islay - you'll enjoy this!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Happy Birthday, Pat!  - shame we can't help you to eat your cake!......

  • Happy Birthday Pat. Sorry about the absent friends.What sort of cake was it?

    Any type  is good for me!

  • Check out my part of the world here.  We don't often get snow like this!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Great stuff, Clare. As long as you don't have to go out in it!!

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    My favourite story of today was about penguins!   --  Apparently they have discovered over one and a half million penguins living happily in the Antarctic! No one knew they were there.  And the experts say, wait for it.........the reason they have flourished is, they have no contact with Man!!!!

  • Evening all:

    Lindybird: Yes! Just saw the penguin story on our news. Apparently they got - ahem - wind of giant deposits of pooh on an island, which they spotted (I think) on Google Earth. The researchers followed the satellite pix and found the penguins.

    Clare: Look like whoever took those aerial photos must've got a new drone for Xmas.

    PatO: Hey, I'll take some of that leftover cake (unless you think the birds need it more).  :-)

    OG: Whale count went ahead - with a wonderful treat: A whale came in close to shore right in front of us and breached four times in a row!!!  Amazing!  If I don't see another whale this entire season I'll be thrilled.   And the bonus was a pod of some 800 dolphins heading west at top speed, although they were distracted by a school of fish that were too tasty to pass by. All their splashing combined with a large number of pelicans, who'd also spotted the fish, made it quite a challenge to spot any whales (maybe that's one of them decided to breach - was in danger of being eclipsed by all those small fry!).

    I see the Orange Menace has been busy getting up the noses of friendly nations with his "trade wars are good!" tweets.  I mean, how much longer can this go on!  Arghhh....

  • Good Morning.  Less white outside, and slightly higher temps predicted, hooray!  (We had more snow flurries yesterday evening, making everything white over again).

    Annette - Whoopie for seeing the whale breach, and the thought of how many? 800? !!  dolphins??? -- wowsers!! I'm soo jealous.....

  • Thank you all for your birthday messages.  I had a good, if different day, thank you.  Rosy - the cake was iced madeira with a delicious raspberry jam and cream filling, with lovely icing and decorations, including mini-Smarties.  I'm afraid it wasn't home-made, but Aldi did a great job! There's plenty left to share.

    Thanks for the video, Clare.  Lovely way to start the day.

    The snow seems to be diminishing here, but now we have fog!  Going to find my car shortly and see if it will start.