Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

Barrows Goldeneye

U.S. National Park Service Photo
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • LINDY   not all of Scotland. We are fine up here.

  • We have had loads more snow and it’s snowing at present..

    Youngest still at work so a 24 hour shift and freezing rain means staff can’t get in so another 12 hours at least. It’s a residential school and she manages one of the children’s houses. She is a caring soul and leads by example. Daughter in Bath is waiting for works Land Rover to pick her up as park and ride not going .

  • Very strong winds here, but overnight heavy snow didn't materialise.  Our town was "mentioned in dispatches" yesterday due to the amount of snow blowing off the fields and subsequent traffic incidents.  Schools in whole of Eastern Dumfriesshire are still closed and we are still in the amber warning, with a "do not travel" advisory.  OH will walk to the town centre this afternoon to visit the butcher and also get extra  milk to see us through the weekend - then no more essential outings till Monday.  Have been eating from the freezer and then changing menu plan to avoid having too much of one thing!  Got quite adventurous with some leftover roast beef yesterday - and I did most of the preparation myself, because he can't manage making meals out of his imagination!

    LYNETTE - sorry the leg is opening up - hope you get some immediate relief, but I know those things take a long time to heal completely.

    WENDY - your Daughter is clearly devoted to her work.

    EVERYONE - take care in the various ongoing situations.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just seen local travel report - necessary travel only on A roads in Annandale and Eskdale - regard all B roads (and below) as closed.  There are still vehicles buried in drifts, and even gritters stuck on the coast road.  The A75 Euroroute to Ireland has been re-opened this morning.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • As DIBNLIB said, no snow here in Inverness itself. Eldest daughter going to Aviemore for a 'hen weekend' and assures me that all is OK.

    The two eldest granddaughters will be here for a sleepover tomorrow night. I doubt that I'll see much of them but am looking forward to hearing all the giggles etc emanating from whichever room that they are in! At 15 and 16 there are always lots of giggles. I've been asked to make a lasagne ' if it isn't too much trouble, Nana'. I'm sure that they aren't quite as polite to their mothers!

    LYNETTE - the leg must indeed be painful - hope that the dressing will help, plus medication.

    WENDY - Yes, I remember sleeping at the hospital in ?1963.We were given new hospital issue nightgowns and toothbrushes and I remember that we washed our undies and draped them over the radiators. Hospital was 15 miles into the countryside and on South Dartmoor. Cars were completely covered in snow and roads blocked. Your daughter will be shattered when she eventually gets home.

    FORESTBOAR - I was wondering how things were with you. Maybe you shouldn't try and dig yourselves out? Cold weather and strenuous activity together are said to be unwise?

    LINDY - Glad that you enjoyed the cinema - 8 out of ten is not bad these days!

    ROSY - Sorry to hear of family problems. Things seem to be worse when you can't do anything to help. I hope that things will get resolved soon -

    ANNETTE, PAT, DIANE,OG and AQ and everyone who I have forgotten to make replies to - I hope to be back later!

  • Hi everyone -  I very seldom post here, more on the osprey threads, however I do hope everyone is well and keeping warm in this atrocious weather. 

    It's not much fun out there so I thought I would share a couple of photos a friend sent to me :-D

    and ....

  • Being snowed in has some advantages. I've been "forced" to spend more time watching my birds ( as well as feeding them even more regularly). I've seen a lot more blackbirds and mistlethrushes than usual, starlings (not seen since 2014), and long tailed tits, who make fleeting appearances in our garden once every 2 or 3 years

  • Morning all:

    Karen: Hallo there and thanks for the smiles!

    Korky: Hi to you too.

    Sister and OH had to go across Lincolnshire to Nottingham yesterday for a pre-procedural appt at hospital for sister to resolve a painful, but not critical, ailment. BiL was determined to keep the appt. for fear of having the procedure delayed indefinitely. Anyway, 4.5 hours at the hospital, then a surprisingly good journey home and the last I heard they were both sitting by the fire with a glass of whiskey each.

    Meanwhile, the Sierra Nevada mountains up north are finally getting wonderful amounts of snow, which is great for the state's water supply.  No additional problems in our area with the south end of the storm that passed over us last night and I'm sure the thousands of people that evacuated will be back home this morning.

    Not sure if we'll be counting whales today. Last week they cancelled because of high winds but just showers expected today so maybe not...

    Stay safe and cozy everyone in the UK

  • Snowing hard here at the moment, and showing no signs of letting up.  So I'm spending my birthday watching through the window, and just hoping I can find my car tomorrow, when I simply have to get out!  Thanks for the smiles', Karen - I particularly like the feet!  Amazing what you can do with PhotoShop (or similar) these days.

  • ... or perhaps those feet are real ...