Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

Barrows Goldeneye

U.S. National Park Service Photo
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • The wind is howling outside now, so I guess that the storm we were told was coming, is on its way. I went to nearby town and ran around the shops before meeting my Friend so that we could go to the warm cinema where we saw "Finding Your Feet" with Imelda Staunton, Celia Imrie, Timothy Spall and Joanna Lumley.

    A light hearted story for the most part, with a dash of pathos, we enjoyed it - although the very large man next to me sat eating from a big bag of food, throughout!  We'd give the film about 8 out of 10. Some great performances from the stellar cast but an often predictable storyline.

    My OH stayed at home nursing his cold and making phone calls, some of which were unproductive and annoying, so he was grumpy when I got home. 

    Sorry that J has had to miss his appointment, OG, but perhaps as you say, its for the best. Summertime in the future could be preferable.

  • Wendy, your daughter deserves a medal!

  • Lindy - use to make them myself years ago and they are delicious.

    AQ - glad to see you are getting some reprieve on the hot weather with autumn coming along.

    I think the new antibiotics are have some effect at last but my leg at the top of the calf muscle is very, very, sore where the skin has broken.  Hopefully a dressing will be put on it to save further infection when I visit the nurse tomorrow, provided we are not snowed in.    Have had more snow today but nothing like in other parts of the country.

    OG and those of you up in Scotland - do hope you are not too snowed in .  Keep warm and chill.

    Harelady - what nice people round your way so obliging. There are those out there who will go the extra mile.   Do get better soon.

    Take care all and keep warm during this cold blast.

  • Lynette: Glad the ABs seem to be kicking in and hope the nurse can ease the sore area.

    Lindybird:  Had to laugh at the image of you smuggling bird food into the house - and all this time I thought it was shoes!

    More than 30,000 people evacuated from burn areas by 6 pm this evening - just in case. Those people must be so exhausted...

  • Annette: I hope you will be safe at your location! I saw the news reports. Just ghastly. Don't take any chances.

    UK folks: I hope you all are warm and safe from the Beast from the East. 

    Best wishes for rapid healing to all who are suffering from illness and injury. Everyone seems to be having a hard time. 

  • Diane:  We're not anywhere near the burn scars, so no worries.

  • Good Morning.  A wild night here, and the wind's still gusting. Hopefully this will be the last bitterly cold day, and tomorrow it will warm up a little. Grim tales on the News this morning of those stuck on the roads overnight.

    Glad to hear you're OK, Annette.  Lynette, Hope the leg improves for you.

    Hope everyone in UK is keeping safe.

  • A quick post: Hope everyone is faring as well as possible. We have 2feet+ snowdrifts around the house. In our 15 years here this is definitely the worst. In order to be able to get OH out it is going to be a two day job for me, and its NOT thawing at -9C.

  • Things should improve over the weekend, according to the forecasts, ForestBoar.  I certainly hope so, in your case. You seem to be in one of the worst hit areas, plus Scotland.