WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2018

Thought I'd give Diane a break this week. Sorry, no pretty pic, but here's a link - posted by Gardenbirder late Saturday - to a funny BBC page re the Wales earthquake:   http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-43100524  :-))

  • Heather: Grrrrr! How we hate to waste food!  

    Diane: That SpaceX rocket is now scheduled for 6:17 Wednesday morning. I have to keep reminding myself about it.

    Unfortunately, earthquake in Wales got eclipsed by earthquake in Mexico.  :-)

    Off to sort out stuff in the garden today....

  • Bumping this up, as we seem to be reviving the old thread......

    Just had an amazing dinner....

  • Explanation:  We cooked the other half of the turkey which we dissected at Christmas!

    Just had roast turkey with roast potatoes, Brussels sprouts, sweetcorn, stuffing, and gravy.  Yum!!

  • That'll be turkey burgers and bubble and squeak for lunch tomorrow, then!

  • Hi all. I have been very quiet not only on here but everywhere else. 3½ weeks ago I developed snuffling and thought here we go with a cold. What I hadn't had was a cold since I was diagnosed with asthma. The cold started messing around the asthma and I was coughing up from lungs and nose. At its worst I got through 2½ boxes of tissues in one day! Also had to call in younger SD for an extra day as I ran out of oomph. Today is the first day I can safely say it has FINALLY gone.

    Younger SD's kitchen cupboards etc. for the kitchen arrive tomorrow and then that fitting starts. Also gas pipes being put in for a gas hob and a lot of other bits and pieces to be done. Back to a normal shopping day in Monmouth for us tomorrow. Weather looks half way decent this week even if a bit on the cold side. That’s all for now, male cat has decided it is time for a cuddle!

  • I'm sorry to hear that you've  had such a rotten time lately, ForestBoar. Hope you're recovering now and that all goes well with the kitchen fitting, it'll be good when it's all sorted. Yes, this weeks weather sounds reasonable after all that it's thrown at us lately.

  • Pat O said:

    That'll be turkey burgers and bubble and squeak for lunch tomorrow, then!

    Yes, we reckon we've got two more meals, plus some cold slices, plus my OH usually makes soup out of the carcass -- nothing wasted here, LOL!!

  • OG – I think far too much time & effort is wasted on “frills & furbelows” for weddings. The last one I attended, bride’s mother had to make 500 paper flowers that we merely walked past at entrance. The “boys” installed hanging paper balls from ceiling but to bride’s dismay they didn’t fluff them out properly. So what?!!!


    Heather – Dau once bought me a white pudding, a Barossa Valley specialty, which she knows I like. She forgot and it was left in hot car overnight. Outski, as my mum would have said.


    Linda - I tried to buy a turkey roll as a treat. Alas the turkey season is over. Now if I wanted Easter eggs & hot X buns . . .


    Weather has been pleasant mid 20s, warming up again though. This week’s nanny duty is extended as Miss6’s school has an “Acquaintance” session for parents & child from 5.30 pm to 6.45 pm. What an inconvenient time if one has more than one child. Of course I shall babysit twins, prepare them for bed, not that I expect them to be in bed when parents return. I can hope!

  • Unknown said:

    Diane: That SpaceX rocket is now scheduled for 6:17 Wednesday morning. I have to keep reminding myself about it.

    Thank you, Annette! Honestly, I'd forgotten all about it. I can't seem to hold a thought for more than 5 minutes these days. LOL

    I think my area is in for some weirdly warm weather this week, so I'm going to take advantage of the warmth to work on cleaning/renovating/redecorating my enclosed porch -- if my shoulder will let me. I started to work on it before, but it turned arctic cold and I couldn't do it. 

    bjane: I hope that next winter storm will miss you. 

    Hi to everyone. Hope you're all well. 

  • Diane - I don't think you are alone!