WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2018

Thought I'd give Diane a break this week. Sorry, no pretty pic, but here's a link - posted by Gardenbirder late Saturday - to a funny BBC page re the Wales earthquake:   http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-43100524  :-))

  • Thanks, Annette! 

    Glad everyone survived the earthquake! ;-)

  • Good Morning Everyone.  Dry here!

    Many thanks to Annette for starting us off again on a new week: hopefully the British winter is going away from us fast.

    The earthquake is now quite a joke here!!  We get very few of them so it's a big story in our media.

    I hope everyone has a good week.

  • Today's pic:

    "I'm not posing!"

  • Thank you ANNETTE for doing the necessary!

    Temp. Just above freezing when I went down to make my coffee this morning.

    Son and grandson are on their way, should arrive mid to late afternoon. Eldest daughter is taking me to supermarket this morning for heavy shopping.

    Callum is in my bad books again! He washed and cleaned his car here yesterday. I asked him if he was going straight home afterwards. Answer affirmative. I put two packs of sausages ( from freezer) in a bag - little helping hand for middle daughter. Defrosted and warm and now useless sausages arrived home with my equally useless grandson at 6am today.

  • You could just shake them, sometimes, Heather!   Never mind:  enjoy your visitors today.

    We're off for a walk, must wrap up well although its dry its still cold.

  • Oh Dear Heather. Naughty boy!

    I am sure younger grandson is still at the 'adorable' stage. Enjoy his and your son's visit.

  • Thank you Annette for starting the week, and Good Morning to Diane and Lindy.

    I also was very amused by earthquake coverage! We thought the BBC news rather went 'over the top' by interviewing two people who made a great story of a small vibration!

    Today's picture is lovely Lindy.

  • I hope that OG and EE enjoyed their daughter's visit (plus the Chelsea buns).

    My visitors will arrive at about 4pm. As requested by Sam, roast chicken tonight!

  • Hello all!  Good to see our Dau and Fiancé this morning, even if it was only a couple of hours.  Heard more about the wedding plans - can't say more - but those who know my renowned cynicism can probably guess at my reaction when conversation got round to such things as fizzy wine and sashes on chairs etc etc!  A decaff latte and a sandwich would do me!

    Got ahead with the church newsletter this month, so hoping to allocate some gardening time for OH later in the week, if weather forecast is right.  J has a "normal" working week and we don't go to GD's party till Saturday - her actual 18th birthday is Thursday - and this is our youngest Grandchild - help!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • How they grow, OG!

    Enjoyed our walk, Bonnie was very good when we met horses (twice) and we at least got some fresh air, though it was very muddy underfoot for what we usually think of as a dry, gritted path. A lot of the fields were almost under water, there has been so much rain here lately.