Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 February 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • Love it Lindy. Only once a year after all!

  • Last few days I’ve been making the most of the cooler weather – max from 25 to 29. Nanny duty this arvo. OH is thinking of coming too to take either twins or Toby for a walk. I have been booked to chop veggies for huge tub of minestrone soup. One twin is currently reluctant to eat veg, the other reluctant to eat meat, so soup it is. Which they love. Miss6 came home from school with news of her maths lessons, something about using jigsaws. Hm, a bit different from Ye Olden Days LOL.

  • Unknown said:

    Love it Lindy. Only once a year after all!

    Yep. We never eat them any other time. And they were yummy!

  • Glad you're a bit cooler, AQ, even if it would almost count as a heatwave, here. Hope the soup is successful.

  • Evening all   Hope you all enjoyed your pancakes.

    Heather: We do get moss here, but it doesn't get a chance to get established before the summer arrives...  How nice to have the kiddies - and if you can't indulge at snacks at Nana's house - well, what's the world coming to!  I vote for smoked salmon (but I mix dill and yogurt, though dill and sour cream is nice too).

    OG:  Executive gray, eh?  Sounds very serious and efficient!  Wonderful the new scooter is such a great fit.  :-)  Does it have new and improved features?

    Lindybird: Awful Cousin seems to create a lot of anxiety, but it sounds like she must be pretty high maintenance to have everyone react the same.  I wonder what her relationships with the US side of the family are like.  Can you just all be noncommittal (other  family considerations pending, etc.etc., ??)  for long enough that she'll give up the idea of a visit for this year at least?

    AQ:  When I visit the AZ contingent I often come across Ms. D's math homework - have no idea how they're teaching it;  I wasn't any good at it even back in Ye Olden Days. If I couldn't learn it by rote, I didn't learn it.  

    First whale counting shift tomorrow, the first day of the new season!  :-))

  • Hi, all. 

    Clare: I have enjoyed all of your beautiful photos!!! Your passion for your photography shows in your work.  R.T. Hawk scared me last night, because he started to scream repeatedly at 2:00 a.m. I'm still not sure what was distressing him or whether there was danger present for him and/or me!

    OG: I'm so glad that you've found a scooter that is so well-suited for you. Yay!

    Lindy: This is what I would tell the Cousin: "We will be staying with our son for the summer to help care for the children, due to a serious family matter." Seriously, that's what I would say. 

    I don't like pancakes much, but don't ask me how many doughnuts I could eat -- shocking! In my part of Indiana, we put maple syrup (from our maple trees) on pancakes, although I also like blueberry syrup.

    AQ: I looked at my niece's homework a few months ago, and I realized that I know absolutely nothing about today's math.

    Annette: I hope you enjoy your whale watching shift. I know you've looked forward to it. Did you see that Trump is going to pull the U.S. government out of the International Space Station? He's going to attempt to sell the U.S. portion to a private commercial enterprise!

    Heather: I'm glad you enjoyed your time with your granddaughters.

    Rosy: Nice to see you!

    bjane: Oh dear, a foot of snow. I thought about you when I saw that storm coming on the map. Do be careful. I didn't get snow, but I had quite a bit of ice. My area is having a warm-up the next few days. Yay!!! It won't be spring, yet, but it will give me a break at least.

    PatO: Your trip to Cambodia sounds very interesting. I'm glad you got to see Angkor Wat, because it was your dream. I don't think I would be fond of flying ants. LOL

    dibnlib: I'm glad you've had such a good time with friends.

    Take care, everyone! 

  • Good Morning.  A beautiful sunrise is appearing over the cold fields, here. Bonnie just found a dead rabbit when out with my OH, and ran home with it so he corralled her in the garden. Then she sat on our back lawn, eating it. When he finally managed to persuade her to come indoors, she threw up several times, which of course included her breakfast!

    He went into our garage to fetch old newspapers to clean up, and cut his finger on a tin can left in the recycling bin..   So a brisk start to the day, here!

    Awful Cousin is oblivious to even quite rude remarks, as she is so h**l bent on visiting. Three years ago I said "Lets all just pretend to be away, or else ignore her" but my OH pointed out that that meant that his sister would have to bear the burden of entertaining her (and listening to her prattle) for a full two weeks.

  • OG   glad you will be getting your new scooter next week. It sounds perfect for you. 

    It was yesterday afternoon that my friend came and she said the roads were fine. A lorry had jack knifed on the A9 between Daviot ( north of Tomatin) and Tomatin so blocked the road in the morning. My friend took ages to get home from her night shift at a hospital in Grantown because of this. Anyway it was lovely to see her.