HAPPY NEW WEEK! I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Good Morning. You have my sympathy, AQ, as I know how tiring Little 'Uns can be.
When I became a grandparent I thought any childcare we were needed for would be a doddle: I had "Been there, and Done That" but oh! its so much harder when you are not in your 30's any more!
Less wind here this morning, and we're promised it won't be so cold today as it has been recently. Can't wait....
ps.. Annette: I thought you would enjoy The Post, an excellent film with, as you say, such a glittering cast.
Today's pic :
Sweet dreams, no doubt!
Good morning, all. It's a beautiful, sunny day here and it's supposed to be less cold.
I've just posted some photos I took at Felixstowe Ferry a week ago - if you'd like to see them click on Waggy:
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
The sun has come out here, too, Clare. And some of my crocus are opening at last. Yay!!
I'm tidying round as my Eldest is returning again this evening to stay, and this time will also stay on Friday night as he has a "works do" to attend here in the frozen North. This afternoon I'm going to the cinema with my Friend again, will tell you which film and what we thought of it, afterwards.
Finally finished catching up with my photos - if you'd like to see what I snapped at Minsmere last Friday click on this stunning raptor:
LINDY I want one!!!
Clare: Some pretty spiffy looking birds there.
AQ: I bet your OH won't invite himself along again in a hurry (at least until he starts suffering from short-term memory loss anyway). :-) Does he still do solo nanny duty with kiddies or are those days in the past?
A total of 11 whales spotted yesterday (including the nine on my shift). Mike was remembering one year when we started the count on January 14 and the first whale didn't show up until February 14. Now we're wondering when the whales started traveling north this year given the high number yesterday.
OH and I are going out for my much delayed birthday dinner tonight - we could've gone last night be didn't want to cope with the Valentine's Day crush.
ANNETTE - have a wonderful dinner! We are having dinner on our own tonight as J is out with colleagues - farewell for one of them who has to return to Canada as her visa wasn't renewed! Brilliant whale numbers - as you say, wonder when they started?
Decent weather today and a little bit warmer - may venture out to garden centre tomorrow for lunch. New car has reached Carlisle! Don't know when we shall get it - they still have to prepare it, treat the paintwork etc and marry up car and hoist and the scooter which isn't due till next Wednesday - after which we have a weekend away so can't deliver it to the garage until 26th Feb! I predict first or even second week in March for finalising.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Hope Annette and her OH are sitting down to a good dinner just now.
A bit warmer here and quite bright and sunny which was a shame, as we did go to the cinema and sat in the dark! We saw "The Mercy" which is about a man attempting a single handed sail around the world. It starred Colin Firth and Rachel Weiz, as husband and wife. We were somewhat disappointed - the film either wandered about, or made sudden switches of scene without any reason, so we didn't like the editing. Colin Firth made a good attempt at the part, but we were rather underwhelmed.
OG - Good that the car is on its way. And that you got some better weather today, as we did.
Enjoy your delayed birthday dinner, Annette. Look forward to the details tomorrow.
Don't blame you for missing yesterday. Should be much nicer tonight. I think we are all too 'mature' to want to go out on Valentine's Day.
Good that your transport arrangements are working out, OG, even if you have to wait a while for the co-ordination.