Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 January 2018


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Broad-Billed Hummingbird, Arizona USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (copyright-free)

  • Hello everyone.

    We have returned from our cruise.I have been reading everyone's news with interest.

    Unfortunately, my OH managed to acquire a chest infection on the ship, so enjoyment was mixed! There was a lot of coughing and spluttering going on, so not surprising he caught something.

    This is history now, but we left Southampton a day late, as the ship was late in arriving from NY because of the bad weather on the east coast in the first week of the month. All provisions had to be loaded first. A huge amount.

    More later, but following Annette' post about the moon, I will jump ahead. We went to two talks by the guest astronomer about stars to be seen in the southern hemisphere. We were looking forward to seeing the Southern Cross. Unfortunately, there was too much cloud to see this.

    We also learned about the 'man in the moon' appearing (to us) upside down! I didn't know or had forgotten this. Again, too cloudy to see and a crescent moon anyway.

    Obviously, this is normal for AQ. I think she is the only person on here in the Southern hemisphere.

    Oh has just called me to see the huge moon out of our window. Spectacular!

  • An interesting day weather-wise apart from being cold with a sharp wind. Forecast was sunny intervals in the morning and rain this afternoon. All morning it was dark cloud threatening rain and turned into a clear blue sky this afternoon! Good job there was nothing particular planned outside. Had the usual morning and afternoon feeds on the tray and male blackbird fights when not chasing the ladies. Finally got the installer booked for fitting the wifi receiver to the boiler for Thursday next week then all our devices will be fully operative.

  • Funny weather here: very changeable. One minute pouring down with rain, the next, bright sunshine which is dangerously low when driving.  Went to the cinema with Friend, and we saw "Early Man" which is made by the Wallace & Gromit team, who also made "Chicken Run" -- this is similar.

    Hilariously funny, we thought, and as it involves their getting involved in a football match, great fun for those who are fans of the game as there are a lot of references. The cinema was almost empty so our laughter was only joined by a few others!

    My OH has been busily painting whilst I was gone, and we are managing progress, but tomorrow he's off to play golf again, and on Friday we are off for the weekend to our Eldests to see our granddaughter and to view the house extension they've had done. So the decorating will now have to stretch to next week.

    ForestBoar, I hope that all goes well with your sophisticated boiler controls, it sounds as if it will be a boon.

    Rosy -- Sorry you had a bad start to your holiday with a delay, and hope your husband is recovering now from his cough.

    Annette - I keep looking out of the window, but there is too much cloud here to see the wonderful moon. May have to be satisfied with watching a special BBC programme on the subject, tonight. (BBC1 at 9.00pm)

  • Super moon, blue moon, blood moon, eclipse. What a fizzer. A patch of light in the sky covered by thin cloud. No colour. It looked much like another street light in the sky. To think I stayed up extra late when body was crying out for sleep & rest after a stressful nanny afternoon. Winge alert – Since when has a “blue moon” been the second full moon in a month? When I was young (sez she in an aged quavering voice), it was a never event. Rather like when pigs fly.

  • We can't see anything at all, if it's any consolation, AQ.  Too cloudy. And our bathroom window which is a sort of skylight, is obscured by snow. A non event, here.

    But we enjoyed the lyrical programme about the moon, on TV.

  • Rosy: Welcome home! I'm so, so sorry that your OH became ill on the ship. Terrible. I hope he's recovering. I would have enjoyed the astronomy talks. I missed you and look forward to your posting.

    Lindy:  I was looking forward to seeing the eclipsed moon. I set the alarm on my phone last night to wake me up in time (I went to bed late, having watched the State of the Union speech and then couldn't settle down). I heard the alarm and turned it off this morning, and then I thought, "I'll just lie here 5 more minutes..." I missed the eclipse entirely. Sigh...

    Annette: I'm so glad that you got to see the eclipse. Totality wasn't visible here, because the moon set over the horizon before maximum. It was very early where you are. To answer your question: I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I know I'm tired of feeling awful. The major (and minor) film critics and various political groups are all weighing in on Three Billboards... I see the articles and reviews on my Facebook newsfeed almost every day now. Make sure you don't read any of them before you see the movie, because the critiques of the film require revealing spoilers. The issues are plot-specific. 

    Hello to everyone!

  • Evening all:  

    Rosy: Welcome home!  Do tell us all about it when you have time.  

    ForestBoar:  Sounds like you'll have a truly 'smart' house by the time you're all hooked up.  Do hope it will take make everyone's life a little easier. I assume you'll still have control if the wifi system goes down.

    Lindybird: I loved Chicken Run; will keep an eye out for Early Man.

    AQ: A fizzer? Assume you mean a let-down? Was lovely here.  Yes, re Blue Moon, I was wondering why we were suddenly seeing so many of them and remembering when "Once in a  Blue Moon" meant never.

    I'm wondering if Diane is happily tucked up with her pizza and sticky bun.....

    EDIT: Hey Diane!  Do take care of yourself.  I didn't watch the State of the Union address coz I know it's bad. Yuk!!!  By the way, do you watch Rachel Maddow at all? 

    Have a good Thursday everyone!

  • Annette: I can't watch Rachel Maddow or any of MSNBC at all now. Very long story... The short answer is that I don't have access to cable online like I used to.

    (I can't have cable installed here at the house, because no companies provide it way out here, and I couldn't afford it, anyway. Satellite dish access is waaaay too expensive.)

  • Diane: I can imagine. Satellite is the only option in PV and wifi is unreliable and spotty.  I only asked about RM because a couple of people I know like her show.

    Off to bed now.  Moon is still lovely tonight...

  • Annette: I do have very reliable, fairly high-speed Internet here at the house, and that's how I watch TV. I have a Netflix account, and I can also watch the shows I enjoy on the network websites. My Internet is wonderful, but my cell phone service is ghastly!