Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2018


The New Moon (the dark moon) is the night of 16 January/morning of 17 January.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Meadowlark
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Haven't posted ages. See people have been mentioning films for PAT O. I know I will have missed her, but had to have my pennyworth anyway.  My all time favourite is "Out of Africa". Also enjoyed "Amadeus".    Yesterday we went to see "Darkest Hour" which was quite an eye opener.

  • Good to see you posting, Dibnlib.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  Wasn't called to jury duty today, but must check in again this evening to see about tomorrow.

    AQ: Before I forget, Google Images of "Turf Churches in Iceland."  Windows (or somebody!) puts up a new image on my desktop every day and this was so intriguing I followed the link.  Lots of lovely photos, but I hesitate to post them here as many appear to have copyrights.  Glad the fire was put out quickly; all rather discombobulating.

    Heather: Ah, the attraction of a well-accessorized  vacuum cleaner!   I was actually wondering how your brother and his family were doing these days.... Are they thinking of relocating to your home in sunny Scotland?

    OG:  Still no word from  Mr. Froggie.  :-(   I probably didn't help matters by rolling the potted plants out from under the eaves to get a good soaking with "real" water.  I've heard some friends of his on my walks, but nothing in our garden...  Sounds like a successful day, even with the M&S shower.  Your daughter is leaving nothing to chance!  As for 'what to wear'  - think comfy.

    Limpy: What a gorgeous fat little bird - brought a smile to my face.  :-)

    dibnlib: Ah there you are!  Out of Africa was wonderful - the setting, the music, that flight in the plane over the land (my favorite scene of all time I think). Loved the book too.   I'm only just now watching the first season of The Crown - we got the DVD set from a friend of mine who's a big cheese at the Emmy awards.  

    Must do some serious work on the Monterey Brush Cherry bushes/trees/why-did-we-ever-plant-these-damn-things along the back of the house before the birds take it into their heads to think about building nests.   Also must take on the roses before long....

  • DIBNLIB- hello! good to hear from you. I am probably going to wait and get The Darkest Hour on DVD as I often pass films on to our Danish friends.

    ANNETTE- I don't think that my bro would come here to live :-)

  • Good to see dibnlib back - hope you're OK and just busy. Been hearing endless tales of illness of varying kinds, but mostly the bad coughs & colds variety. 

    My OH has recovered from his snuffles but says he doesn't feel 100% this week. Even he is feeling the cold, and he doesn't usually complain.

    I agree about the film "Out of Africa" which is sublime, and I love the music too.

    EDIT:  Sorry to see you've not seen nor heard from Froggie yet, Annette :-(

  • Limpy said:

    Good Afternoon all.  Who likes bullfinches?

    Gorgeous!  -- don't think I've ever seen one in reality, Limpy. Please send one over here, he looks warmer than I do!

  • Back in bed, early I know but warm and cosy and listening to Classic FM, looking in on here plus just spoken to my brother who said that Brittany has had torrential rain today. I walked to supermarket in crisp fresh snow.

  • Hi all and thanks to Diane for starting us off.

    Just looked through all your news.   Hope PamO enjoys her trip to Cambodia.

    Heard on the news that snow etc was causing a certain amount of havoc on the roads as there had already been several accidents today in the snowy conditions.

    Didn't make the gym today as OH overslept and I was going out again at 2pm to my Women's meeting.  We had a talk from one of our local GPs and it turned out very interesting.  Made me stop and think - not to be impatient if they are running late, which is usually the case. So many different things to fit in.

    Do stay safe and warm, we don't mix too much so hopefully will steer clear of flu. Don't bother with jabs as there are so many strains and no-one is sure which one will hit from winter to winter they can only guess.

  • Lynette D said:
    Don't bother with jabs as there are so many strains and no-one is sure which one will hit from winter to winter they can only guess.

    I can't agree with this as Limpy has had neither flu nor bronchiolitis since he started accepting his annual invitation to have a flu jab.  It is an enormous relief as he used to suffer every winter.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.  Everyone should do everything they can to keep well, including having any jabs offered.

    It's been a cold night here and looks as if it's going to be a wintry day. We don't have snow, however, thank goodness.

    Have a good day, Everyone.