Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2018


The New Moon (the dark moon) is the night of 16 January/morning of 17 January.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Meadowlark
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • ForestBoar - sounds as if you have everything under control - in more ways than one!  You deserve some sort of respite for your birthday, so I hope you can relax a little that day!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:
    and everything melted

    Everything is melting here too! Expecting 41 C next 2 days. Tour DownUnder races have been shortened. Tomorrow’s public participation event, raising funds for cancer, looks likely to be cancelled. I shall spend much time with a/c and book.

  • Oooh that sounds like such an opposite extreme!  Poor you. Hope the a/c keeps going.....

    Had my usual shower this morning, after complaining recently to my OH that it seems less enthusiastic these days. Now he tells me that the loss of pressure is probably because its old: we had the electric shower installed when we moved here in 2003, so now it's old. Its a shock as it feels like a new shower to me!

    Rang our Youngest tonight to see how things are: he croaked into the phone, as he has come down with the dreaded flu, caught at work where "everyone has it". He says he can't sleep, so I had no advice other than the usual try to get some sleep, and keep your fluids up. Wish I lived nearer although of course there's nothing I could do to help.

  • Good Morning, All.   Quiet on here overnight.

    A very cold night here, I got up in the early hours and it was chilly, plus I could hear the wind gusting with hail in it. Brr!!

    Hope everyone has a good day today.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "I'm trying to get your attention, Mum!"

  • Max temp was 42.8 C. Even now at 7.15 pm it is 40 C with an incredibly low 5% humidity. Expected overnight min 27 C. Watch out, you people UpOver, you may find me on your doorstep.

  • That sounds very uncomfortable.  Saying that it's really cold here, with the traditional January gales blowing a hoolie!  We've got trees down, bridge and rail closures, all sorts.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Heard the wind in early hours, but can't see any damage.  A dusting of snow again, temp around zero - but again bad very near here: Euroroute to Ireland was blocked in a few places out west by jack-knifed trucks, much more snow just to the north and into the Lowther hills, accumulations on the Cumbrian hills over the water; again we have been lucky, but still not going out today.

    I think it's safe to say I prefer our winter cold to AQ's excessive summer heat - easier to get warm than to get cool (so long as power stays available).  Bright sunshine right now.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Cold here and looks a bit icy/slippy. I've booked a taxi to take me to the hairdresser this morning - don't want to cancel appointment as she is going on maternity leave tomorrow!

  • Looking forward to a drive to Cheltenham hospital directly into a low sun - NOT!!!!