Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 January 2018


The New Moon (the dark moon) is the night of 16 January/morning of 17 January.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Meadowlark
William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Here's today's pic:

    "We're keeping warm...."

    "So are we!!"

  • LYNETTE - with all your health problems, I would say it is very foolhardy of you and OH not to accept any potential protection offered by vaccinations.  You say you don't mix much, but it only takes one sneeze!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • 2 cm snow lying here this morning and a "Do not travel" advisory - not that 2cm is a lot, but they are still clearing yesterday's chaos from the roads around us - including the Mway.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just seen pictures of your area on the News, OG. Better not to travel!

  • Not going anywhere - although here is so much better than nearby!  Replacement car demo is off - man can't get it off his drive - his snow is 10 inches thick, and he would be coming down the Mway - also said we don't think I would be able to get outside to try it!  OH is just whizzing (very wrong word!) down to Boots for my prescription!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • A little more snow here this morning but nothing at all compared with country areas. School buses unable to bring pupils in from outlying places but Amy and Katie are at school (Culloden Academy) which is open to local pupils. However, the prelim exams which they should be taking today have been cancelled. I think that they have mixed feelings about this!

    Regarding the 'flu jab - I imagine that a variable level of protection based on what WHO research recommends each year is better than none at all, especially in vulnerable people. I was interested  to hear that my younger grandchildren have been given the spray vaccine at school. Since the vaccine is grown in hens' eggs, I wonder what the uptake is among vegans? I shall have to Google it.

  • Still such an arctic wind here, that I abandoned my plan to walk into the town for supplies. Went by car instead, so was at least able to buy more heavy items.

    The news reports show people having nightmare journeys in the snow. We don't seem to cope very well here, with only one day of snow, when in other northern countries they have far worse.

    Hope EE got your prescription home alright, OG - Glad to hear you're not going out.

  • No further snow here. The highspot of my day so far has been a conversation with the window cleaner! Me inside, him on his ladder:-)

  • OH's trip to pharmacy was fine!  J was on Wednesday off, but he went out briefly mid-afternoon - only very minor showers and everything melted - looks as if tonight's snow might not reach down here to the coast.  Feel like I had a lazy day - all I did was cut my fingernails!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Had to charge off to Vodafone shop in Abergavenny this morning to sort out OHs phone problems – only bought on 2 Dec last year. It ended up with everything cloned across to a replacement phone. It is getting important as we(SD and I) are setting up wifi controls for OD to control things she made need in my absence. For quite a while we have had the tv system, electric fire and a standard lamp operating. After the builders finished installing a replacement for the living room light switch with a wifi controlled one, we finally got that set up. Today we finally got the doorbell fully functional so she can direct couriers if I am not there. Just got the boiler thermostat to set up when the company have configured the existing thermostat commands for the new one.

    We do have some positives in our life!

    Birthday on Friday is low key (like as a normal Friday!)