Diane: I suspect your poor fingers are frozen solid, so started the new thread.  :-)  Do hope your friendly neighborhood critters show up when the temperatures rise.

Check back for lovely pic of Kingfisher (and more) from Clare; Lindybird's Second Christmas and updates on cruises; OG's plans to attend a masked ball - and more!

I drove all over the local neighborhood today: Library; hardware store; charity shop; Bed, Bath and Beyond (looking for towels); Habitat for Humanity's ReStore warehouse; University's hazardous waste center; County electronic recycling center; pet shop, beauty supply shop; and two supermarkets!  Phew!

  • Unknown said:
    Friend died - she was also J's Godmother.  Funeral next week and we can't get there.

    So sorry to hear about this.  You have our sincere sympathy.

    Unknown said:
    I slept last night, so my mind is much easier this morning, and I feel better too.

    That's good to know.  I hope this continues.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thanks, CLARE.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - I'm so very sorry about the loss of your friend and J's Godmother. It sounds as if this was a shock, not expected by you all. I don't suppose that J could take time off from work and attend the funeral?

    I don't know what J's employers are like in this respect. My middle daughter's employers are the local council and she was called to a consultation about absences from work last year. She had a weeks bereavement leave after my OH (her stepfather) died and a very few days off when Amy was unwell. Although the lady interviewing her was kind, it left my daughter quite worried about her job security etc.  Folk with really bad colds etc are going to work and spreading bugs of all descriptions around. My daughter doesn't get paid if she takes time off to look after Amy. I thought that most employers these days had carers leave?

    ANNETTE - More fatalities, I see, and more to come? I heard an interview where the refusal of some people to evacuate was discussed. You mentioned this a couple of days ago. The highway looks just like a river and the rocks are so huge.

    LYNETTE - I think that LINDY has mentioned before that mixing different tops with a few pairs of lightweight trousers seemed to fit the bill on her cruise. And several pairs of shoes, of course..

    I haven't showered yet and must do so, then go shopping for dinner this evening. I know it is only Thursday (see, OG, sometimes I do know which day it is!) but I've decided on roast lamb since it is a family favourite. The two girls are whooping with delight....

    LINDY - enjoy your cinema visit. What film is it?

  • OG: Not happy news; those events stir all kinds of memories. You'll be at the funeral in spirit if not physically present.  Do take care. Hope doc consultation is satisfactory; watch out for that swivel test - no speeding!  :-))

    Lindybird: I like the striped all-sorts where you could peel off one layer at a time. Ah, the simple joys of childhood.

    Heather: That sounds a bit harsh re daughter's time off work. Maybe someone just being over-zealous and trying to make themselves look as if they're on top of staff matters? I probably would've shouted at the woman.  Also wonder if men are called in for the same reason...  Re the slides, someone on TV was saying that people didn't evacuate because they didn't know how bad it could get?  Hallo?  Where have they been?  These slides happen pretty often and there's been no lack of TV coverage over the last decade of any number of similar events.  They're not going to open Highway 101 until Monday noon at the earliest.  The whale watch tour boats are now doing commuter runs between here and Ventura, the other side of the closure..  

  • OG ----  My condolences on the loss of your friend. A shame that you won't be able to attend the funeral, it's not always possible, is it, even though you would very much like to be there.

    I hope you're feeling better in yourself, now.

  • We've been to see the film "The Greatest Showman" which is the story of P. T. Barnum, of Barnum's Circus fame.

    I didn't realise until we got to the cinema, that it's a musical based on the stage show "Barnum". It stars Hugh Jackman, who was so excellent in the film of "Les Miserables". The film today was what my Friend called "Nothing to tax your brain cells too much!"

    We enjoyed it, but you do have to watch it as pure entertainment: as one of the newspapers has pointed out, it's not exactly true to history and the facts. The real Barnum exploited those he showed as a freak show, and probably mistreated the animals. But in the film, everyone is devoted to one another and they love the man who employs them.

    The music, dancing and singing were good, but it did grate a little when it depicted the famous soprano Jenny Lind on stage, but she sang a modern song.

  • Diane: I'm just watching the launch (currently holding at 4 mins)...  I've also got it on the ULA channel, which has sound (not sure about the link you gave) but then, nobody's been saying much...

  • Annette - yes I remember the advert.  Also finished the box last night now have all the chocolates I had for Christmas to tackle - small amounts every other day as I shouldn't be greedy !!!!

    OG - it must be hard you not being able to get to the funeral but I'm sure she will be in your thoughts and all that goes with the grieving process. Thoughts are with you.

    I don't know what the situation is for when a member of the family dies re time off these days. My employer was very sympathetic when my dad died and although I didn't get paid I had time off to go up to Manchester to help sort out the funeral etc and then went on holiday for a fortnight. Do hope your dau doesn't fret too much re her time off, surely these days employers will be reasonable - do hope so.

    Re taking various tops, intend to do so with a few skirts and some dresses, not into wearing trousers a lot but may take some light weight ones, its getting it all in along with various prs. shoes but no doubt I will sort something out.   Have to think about our insurance and purchase it soon although that will be high because we both have ongoing heart conditions etc. Waiting till Christmas is paid off before we sort that out.

  • Annette: I forgot all about that launch, until I saw your post above. So thanks for that. They've resolved the problem and have just now resumed the countdown.

    I just had wonderful news! R.T. Hawk is alive!!! The big fella made it through that long bout of extreme arctic cold. It's a balmy 60F (15.5C) here -- weird. So I went outdoors near dusk to check the land and my car. I noticed that I had a flat tire. (The tire pulled away from the rim slightly during the cold.) I was sitting by the car using my tire pump, and I heard a long, loud SCREAM! It was R.T! He was saying hello to me from back in the woods.

    About 5 minutes later, I heard him take a small bird. So he must be in satisfactory condition, because he's able to hunt successfully. If he's okay, then his mate is probably okay, too, because they hunt as a pair. Red-Tailed Hawks who are strongly bonded often hunt together, and R.T. and his mate are formidable hunters. 

    R.T. must have been stocking up on food. Temps are predicted to plummet quickly tonight, and we have an ice storm coming and then more arctic temps this weekend. I'm happy he was able to get a last meal before it turns bad again.

    I'm so very happy that he survived. Yay!!!!!!!!

  • Annette: I'm watching the ULA streaming, and it has sound. Launch is in a few minutes.