Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 31 December 2017


We begin the year with a Full Moon on the night between Monday and Tuesday. This Full Moon is also a so-called Supermoon, because it will occur just hours after the moon reaches perigee (its closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit). 

I cherish you all, and I wish you a joyful, peaceful, healthy, and fulfilling 2018! Thank you for being my friends. 

  • Morning all:  Thick fog; now sunny is threatening to break through.

    AQ: Maybe add olive oil and seasoning and get sun-dried tomatoes on the vine? ?

    Diane: The original crossing-the-equator ceremony took place in the "old" (not sure how old) days when travelers were dunked in a barrel of water when a vessel crossed the equator.  Not sure if any cruise ships do that....Maybe they just douse themselves with champagne.  :-)

    Off to do grocery shopping before the crowds emerge.

  • Hello!  - We're back home after a happy day. Good journeys there and back, apart from some heavy rain and lightning briefly on our way there. We had Christmas Day all over again, with much excited paper ripping and cries of delight (and that was just my OH, LOL!!). Little Matthew was the only one who was disinterested in opening anything, so his brother gleefully did it for him. A child sized workmans' bench was popular, and Matthew soon began to hit everything in sight with his plastic hammer!

    My small cakes turned out exceptionally well, I'm glad to say. We had some, left them the remainder, and tonight we also ate some remains of the Christmas goodies. Dieting begins soon!

    It's now much colder here, but nothing like the chill which Diane describes. Am parcelling up Bonnie to keep you warm, Diane!! 

    Annette - Now you've jogged my memory: The Neptune thing was shown on a TV thing about cruising only a few weeks ago. They were dipping people into a small swimming pool and then giving them a warming drink afterwards. Fancy dress seemed to be popular. It wasn't compulsory to join in, Rosy!!

  • Oh-so-cold again after a few warmer days, but again nothing like the eastern US or Diane's Indiana!

    Pleased you had an enjoyable second Christmas with the boys today, LINDA.

    We have an extra celebration in February - GDaughter#2 has chosen to mark her 18th birthday (unlike her sister who opted to delay her coming of age to 21 which she shared with her Dad's 50th).  We three shall attend (a Masquerade Ceilidh), although we think maybe our Daughter#2 won't be there as her ex is likely to attend!  Families!  We are going for the sake of Granddaughter, not to please her mother who still disgusts me with her refusal to come to her Sister's wedding in July!

    Had our haircuts this morning, but changing back to weekday next time - this was a special holiday arrangement.  Nothing else going on here.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I was on duty at Minsmere yesterday and I got a few photos ......... click on this wonderful fishing bird to see more:

    In the absence of an osprey a kingfisher will do me!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.